Slut Shaming, racial slurs overflow on 'Big Brother' while Brett takes advantage of the & # 39; Chaos & # 39; that he created


Brett may have stirred even more than he had imagined when he invented a complicated story about Rockstar at the last expulsion ceremony on "Big Brother" , while proverbial shit hit CBS.

Not seen since the famous season of racism ("BB 15"), CBS has launched an explosive hour of television with a warning warning viewers – or more specifically, protecting their own donkeys saying the opinions expressed by Houseguests do not do not reflect the opinions of its shareholders. Do not be mad at us!

What followed was that Rockstar landed on Brett, Bayleigh, and JC engaged in racist, homophobic, and high-profile insults, and that Sam indulged in insulting shame. Overall, it was a crazy night of "Big Brother" and one that we are still trying to fully address. And none of this even includes the fact that we had a new HOH and two new appointments, although everything is in the worst possible way.

We are going to run this season as if you had a big store. Each product, or Houseguest, may have arrived with the same value, but soon enough you start to see that some do not work. First, you try to refresh them to see if they can change things and become solid performers again. But if it does not work, it's time to put them in liquidation so you can sell them (the door). That being said, let's take a look at our inventory, ranked from our most powerful to our lowest … after highlighting some new items in stock.


This argument that the explosion of a purely innocent conversation was both provocative and frustrating. Bayleigh, who is black, asked JC, who is not a small but rather short person that many think he is, asked him about the pejorative word M for the little people, only she said it. And so, he tried to explain it by saying that he is comparable in this community to the word F for the gay community and the word N for the black community.

Only he said the two words

She was with him until he let go of the unfiltered word N. "You do not have the right to say that," she told him in unambiguous terms. "Do not do that anymore." At this point, Bayleigh is angry and has taken storm.

Later, she told him that she would never call her the word F – JC is also gay and Hispanic – only she did not censor her use of that word, or the word M. This kind of weakened his own argument that these derogatory terms are offensive, regardless of their context. JC used the word educational and in this context, just as she was. Essentially, she said that her offense had more weight and value than hers.

None of them tried to offend, but Bayleigh seemed to have trouble getting out of her own triggered state to see how she was missing. by doing exactly the same thing for him: not censoring the words that he had just told him are also offensive to him and people like him.


Sam has been a fan favorite since Day One because of its southern charm and folk accent. But she also apparently brought her narrow side of mind and judgment. After winning HOH, she organized one of the cruelest appointment ceremonies we have ever seen. She kicked off by telling everyone in clear terms that her nomination choices had already been made, that no one should campaign against her or even be in her HOH room without her.

because she basically tells everyone that they can not use the most enjoyable shower out there, or even enjoy the room. Most of the other HOH winners are kind enough to share their space, but Sam does not have one. He painted her like some kind of shitty and selfish person (we've seen allusions to that while she was a very demanding and arrogant and sometimes rude robot)

In fact, in retrospect, maybe It was not cute and funny Sam when she was screaming at Tyler to get out of the wall during this endurance competition and give him this week HOH. Maybe she was really shouting at him because she just wanted to bully her so she lets her do it. We think we are only starting to see the real Sam emerge, and this is not a pretty picture.

After refusing to talk to anyone about her choices, she suddenly threw Kaitlyn and Haleigh on the block. But it was like that that she explained her decisions that shocked most of the house. "I do not care how you two treat young people in the house, I think they deserve more respect, and I think it's the opposite of empowering people. women, "she told them in front of the whole house. . "And I think you should both respect you more."

It's a shame that comes from a shocking place of arrogance and entitlement. Where did Sam find the gall to publicly attack these women? Say what you want from their flirtatious nature, but they are pretty characters in a house with other pretty people. Who told him the police of purity?

Now she can play the game that she wants and make decisions for whatever reasons she wants, but there could be repercussions for her social play, as well as her alliances. At least we know that the remaining brother, Brett, loves every second!


Tyler (up to 3) has Kaitlyn so wrapped around her finger, she is not only convinced she has not returned her vote (what?) He did), but she always comes to him with everything. The only problem with the way he has it completely in his thrall is that if she ever finds out, her anger will be epic. If she is in the house, watch out. If she is in the jury house, there will never be a vote. But for the moment, he keeps his duplicity on the shallow

JC (top 1) made a few aisles with Bayleigh and this side of the house with his sensitive conversation, while maintaining his loyalty to the level 6 voting block, even though he does not know that it exists. His fluttering strategy sat in safety-city

Sam (bottom 2) did not even reveal that it has the application of power of the bonus life that will trigger this week, allowing one of his nominations the chance to return. She talked about it early on, and said that she wanted to be able to control the names this week, so are these appointments her way of trying to "help" Kaitlyn and Haleigh showing them how much she thinks they are terrible? It is not uncommon for Crusaders of morality to use cruelty and shame to achieve their goals. But what's she doing here? There will be repercussions, and it's a house filled mostly with women, and even some men will not find this talk cool.

Angela (up to 4), Kaycee (up to 4) and Rachel (up to 4) are the invisible trio of level 6, just doing what they do. And Sam apparently decided that none of them were prostituting themselves, so they get a pbad this week.

Brett (up to 6) pulls out with a blissful shower by shouting Rockstar, and because Sam did not even entertain the conversations, Rockstar did not even get the hang of it. had no chance to really defend his case. The chaos brain set off a gold storm this week and he shot the target out of his back.

Bayleigh (Down 3) could find himself in a better position in the game. Shared moment there after a difficult conversation. Both were ultimately respectful and at least heard each other. JC has influence in the house, so if he does not want her to go, we do not think she'll do it, which could l & # 39; 39, help in the short term while level 6 seems to take control of the numbers.

Faysal (down 4) fell down and played a nice game of cold, even though he tore it up inside, and the poor guy is lying and manipulated by everybody. This week, it was JC who had thrown Kaitlyn and Haleigh under the buses, while they were not there, and he let him interview his closest friends in the house. .. and Sam came to shoot them.


Scottie (top) is on the level 6 radar after being the first HOH to shoot them down. Sam does not seem interested in targeting him this week, but they will not forget him.

Rockstar (down 9) was a victim of Brett when he lied about her, but we're not sure, picking up pots and pans from Josh and singing songs about Brett being his secret showmance will work to his advantage in the game. The lines are already drawn, and most people know that Brett was lying. His alliance does not care, and his believes it. So at this point, she's just getting a bigger target on the Level 6 side and could start boring hers.


Haleigh (bottom 7) does not really deserve to be here for any reason of play, as it has been essentially a float up to now . She is only here because of Sam's off-camera vendetta, so if the nominees remain the same, there is no reason for the house to be killing her.

Kaitlyn (bottom 1) here for the same reason, by Sam, but she is certainly the biggest target. Tyler could lobby to keep her because he can handle her and she in turn manipulates her alliance, thus giving her control of the puppet, but if the rest of level 6 decides that she has demonstrated unpredictability and disloyalty, there will not be


  • "It's very simple why I chose to target Rockstar, I do not can not stand it, I can not influence it with the gameplay because it plays personally, so why not make her panic, paint her as a responsibility and make her a target. " – Brett (explaining why he invented a lie to launch Rockstar under the bus)

  • "I just need to talk to Tyler and get to the bottom of it –Kaitlyn (girl, he's going lying to you)

  • "Look me in my eyes now and swear on your father's grave that you have not returned." – Kaitlyn (trying to e understand how the vote rocked)
  • "I would never do that." – Tyler (toldja)
  • "Agreement, agree." –Kaitlyn
  • "Do not me the request never again. "–Tyler (crazy that she made him swear on his father, but dude, you have outright lied about your father)

  • " I take cold showers every day even when I am not a miser. "m a f – king animal, hoo – rah! "–Sam (pump out during endurance)

  • " I've already decided who I'm going to name, once my mind is done, that's it, I'm not going to be moved, do not even try it. "- Sam (immediately after winning HOH)

  • " She's not going to put you up. "- Bayleigh
  • " If she does, I'll go home with my family, these guys, the kind that always wins! "–Rockstar (in tears frustrated by the male alpha bros like Brett)

  • " There will be no one-on-ones, I already have it in my mine and I will be nominated. say who, so I do not intend to tell anyone. –Sam (that's not how you play "Big Brother")
  • "Let the HOH dictatorship begin." –JC

  • "Do you think it was Tyler and JC?" –Kaitlyn (that was the case)
  • "For me, I really do not think that." –Haleigh (you're so wrong)

  • "Brett in the house, it's my best friend Oh, I'm so happy Do not talk about his micropenis Hey, that's Brett C's. is Brett, Brett, Brett I'm so glad it's here! We have a secret showmance! "–Rockstar (trying to annoy Brett to expose that he was lying)

  • " Ok , let me ask you this: is there a difference between a mt and a dwarf? " –Bayleigh
  • "M —- t is like saying gay and f —- t." –JC
  • "So it's just a name for that?" – Bayleigh
  • "Or like n — r and black." –JC (ending his thought)
  • "You do not have the right to say that, do not do it again." –Bayleigh (extinguishing)

  • "So, I am very short, I am also gay and Hispanic, if we talk about discrimination, I could know one or two." –JC (speaking in the newspaper room)

  • "I would never call a f – t", – Bayleigh (using a pejorative term as a statement, in the same way that she supported that he had done)

  • "My family is watching this", – Haleigh (after Sam was ashamed during the appointments)

  • "It's the opposite of the women who support women. " –Kaitlyn (same)

  • "You shot my daughters, it shoots me, so if I were Sam, I'd be careful." –Faysal

  • "I am very happy with what I have done, the house is in chaos." – Brett

See the pictures
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