South Sudan. Celebrations for Peace in Juba – Reforming the process to bring lasting peace and fight against the looting of the state


Press release

Tomorrow, celebrations will be held in Juba to mark the peace agreement signed last month between the government of South Sudan and armed opposition groups.

Brian Adeba, Enough Deputy Policy Director, said: "The celebration of tomorrow is a welcome initiative and a first step towards establishing the confidence-building measures necessary for a realistic peace in Southern Sudan. continues in Jonglei and in other parts of the country is a reminder that much remains to be done for the people of Southern Sudan to believe that this peace is real.For a comprehensive peace, the parties must respect cease-fire in its entirety.The government must release all political prisoners, open the political space, and allow investigators free access to the market to determine the fate of civil society activists abducted during the war. "

John Prendergast, founding director of the Enough project and co-founder of The Sentry, said: "Creeping corruption has been the fuel and by-product of the insane and destructive war in South Sudan. An opportunity to reflect on immense governance The government must act immediately to ensure that the institutions essential to accountability, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission, are reformed and strengthened in order to put an end to the deadly scourge of corruption. great corruption in the most recent and most damaged state of the world ".

About the Assous project

The Enough Project supports peace and an end to mbad atrocities in the most deadly conflict zones of Africa. Together with its investigative initiative, The Sentry, Enough, fights against armed groups, violent Kleptocratic regimes and their trading partners, sustained and enriched by corruption, criminal activities and the trafficking of natural resources. By helping to create consequences for the main perpetrators and facilitators of atrocities and corruption, Enough seeks to create leverage for peace and good governance. Enough research in conflict zones, engage governments and the private sector in potential policy solutions, and mobilize public campaigns focused on peace, human rights, and the breakdown of the links between war and illicit profit. Learn more – and join us – at

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