Special Olympics athletes send police to the Nova Scotia Summer Games


Thunder Bay Police Service officers were stationed at Thunder Bay International Airport on Monday morning to bid farewell to local athletes heading to the Special Olympics Canada Summer Games in New Brunswick -Scotland.

Yvette DeGagne and Eric Bakker travel to Antigonish to participate in the shot put, long jump and sprint.

When asked what message the police wanted to send to the athletes, Don Lewis replied: for themselves first, and represent the community and the province and the country.And everything d & # 39; First, have fun as much as possible humanely. "

Bakker, whose father Ray is the team's captain of the trip, participates for the first time in the National Games.

DeGagne has already participated in the Niagara Falls, Ontario, Games and London, Ontario.

"I'm so happy that I just want to cry!"

"It was very exciting." My whole family is now waiting in Nova Scotia, "he said. DeGagne,

"I'm just looking forward to doing my activities," she said, adding that she hopes to win three gold medals in Nova Scotia.

DeGagne s & nbsp; She was trained and went to Zumba clbades to train at the Games, she said.

When asked how she felt about On board, she replied with a laugh: the police are so beautiful! … they are beautiful!

DeGagne, who also plays bowling, said she was proud to participate in the Games oly Special Epics.

"It's a great experience for me," she says exuberantly. "I'm so happy that I just want to cry!"

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