St. George Powwow Bay Delivers Doublessly Fun for Thousands of People: Calvin White | Living


Calvin White said that he does not believe that anyone in Newfoundland has imagined that one can gather thousands of people and have so much fun and alcohol-free entertainment.

He was referring to the annual 12th St. George Powwow Bay at Flat The Bay has become a resounding success, though this may be determined by the number of people flocking to the event each year.

million. White said that he knew that there was a strong movement of aboriginal people in the province, but he would never have imagined when the committee planned the first pow-wow he would have had this size

A Stephenville woman honored to be chief dancer at Bay St. George Powwow

Powwow a dream "I think people's visibility and because our ( Mi & # 39; kmaq) are located throughout the province, this is done, "he said. "It was like a wheel – the hub representing the founders and rays reaching so many strong aboriginal communities."

He said some of the family names include the Barringtons, the Olivers and the Pauls in Badger as well as a powerful family. descendants at Bay St. George, such as the Brakes, Benoit, Mitchells, Webbs and Youngs.

"The populations of these families and others are so prevalent, we (Mi 'kmaq) were at the same level as the rest of the population," White said.

He said that the story of these families was kept alive and, of course, reached out to their family members, who told them what was happening when it was cultural renewal. .

"They felt this strong connection and that is why we welcome people from Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. -Edouard and New Brunswick, "he said.

White said that some of the peo He said that the creation of the pow-wow began with the intention of moving it around Bay St. George, but once people have gathered for the second year. there was a realization the beautiful location, with the breeze from the ocean, the place for parking and camping and the infrastructure in place that Flat Bay was the right choice.

White said that it would be expensive to replicate in other places and it's a regional Powwow of Bay St. George, with only two people from Flat Bay sitting on the planning committee this year.

"It's about the population coming together and becoming inclusive. Where people want to do it, it's up to them to do it, but there are no rumors about those who want to do it elsewhere than at Flat Bay, "a- he said.

He said that the involvement of children and young people, who have accepted who they are, is great because they are the future and that they reinforce the movement of the base up to the end. ;at the end.

"They have never been ashamed to say they are Indian because they know who they are and are supported by the big gatherings that come to see them participate," said White

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