St. Michael's College School students expelled after the video of alleged group assault circulates


Some details in this story are graphic and may be disturbing

St. Michael's College School has expelled several students amidst an investigation into alleged groups of students who have been videotaped and circulated on social media.

CityNews has viewed two disturbing videos that appear to show the badaults. In one of them, a teen boy is surrounded by a group of people and is badually badaulted with a broom stick while his legs are being held.

In the other, a different teen boy is inside a sink in his underwear. Water is run over him and several students are slapping his bare skin.

Toronto police would only say that they are investigating an alleged badault at the school. The Toronto Police Child and Youth Advocacy Center is also involved in the probe.

"At this stage, given the nature of the allegations and the involvement of young people," police said in a statement to CityNews.

Police began investigating after CityNews.

The school said it was an internal investigation that resulted in several students being expelled.

Students at the all-boys private school at 1515 Bathurst St. told CityNews that video accounts were posted on Instagram accounts before being removed.

A student said one of the alleged incidents took place in a school washroom, adding that teachers were addressing the situation with students in clbad on Wednesday.

CityNews has learned that the alleged badaults involved various sports teams, and between 15 and 17.

St. Michael's College released the following statement just after 3 p.m. Wednesday.

"This week, to our shock and dismay, we learned of two incidents that were in clear violation of our Student Code of Conduct. The school has zero tolerance for such behavior.

The school administration promptly conducted an internal investigation, including a meeting with the students involved and their parents. As a result, swift and decisive disciplinary action has taken place, including expulsions.

We are deeply sorry that these incidents occurred. From this unfortunate situation, we redouble our efforts to educate and promote respect for others in the school and community. "

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