Marvel Stan Lee's private struggle for care and legacy was held in a courtroom in Los Angeles while lawyers working with his daughter dismissed an attorney previous and reaffirmed that they represented Lee, 95 years old. Variety reports that a new no-contact order was filed Thursday after Superior Court Judge Ruth Kleman dismissed last month's order. They received a restraining order of elder abuse against a former director of Lee, as did the previous lawyer, but only after a judge heard arguments on who should speak for Lee.

Stan Lee and Keya Morgan at the world premiere of Avengers: Infinity War in Los Angeles. AP / Jordan Strauss
In the tiny courtroom filled with Lee's lawyers and attorneys, attorney Tom Lallas has requested a 30-day extension of the law. interim injunction that he had received against Lee's former manager, Keya Morgan. Lallas said in legal documents and press releases in recent weeks that he represented Lee.
Kleman refused to consider the petition, saying it seemed that Lallas was not employed by Lee.
Morgan denied the allegations. Neither Lee nor Morgan were in court for Friday's hearing. Morgan's lawyer, Alex Kessel, did not comment
Lee, the co-creator of the Spider-Man superheroes, Iron Man, Hulk and dozens of others, has a worth $ 50 million, according to court documents. But his well-being has been the subject of many headlines following the death, a year ago, of his wife, Joan, the dismissal of former relatives and the influence of Morgan
The Hollywood Reporter long investigation, which concluded that Lee was caught among several people close to him who were struggling for control of his personal and financial affairs.
Tom Lallas, the lawyer who filed the restraining order last month, was fired by Lee earlier this year, Lee's daughter, JC Lee, told reporters after the release. Friday hearing. "My father has a strong team behind him, and he's doing very well, I know exactly what was going on at every stage of the process," she said.
Lawyer Robert J. Reynolds, who now represents Lee, told reporters after Friday 's hearing that a new temporary order application against Morgan be filed, Morgan said in a statement on Twitter last month that he had "shown nothing but love, respect and kindness to Stan Lee, and his wife, a fact that he repeated countless times. I have NEVER abused my dear friend.
However Lee POW! Entertainment's company expressed concern in a statement in April, stating that his appearances and his speeches earlier this year were "not the normal disposition of Stan, who is usually charged of endless energy and exuberance that fans around the world love and admire. years. "
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Date Published: Jul 09, 2018 17:01
| Updated on Jul 09, 2018 17:01
Date Updated: Jul 09, 2018 17:01
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