Stop trying to "play nice" with Trump, the former Mexican congressman says in Canada


A former Mexican congressman and founding member of a Mexico-based think tank, it is time for Canada to drop the gloves in its commercial struggle with the United States. On Tuesday, Agustin Barrios Gomez said Canada must understand that Canada is living in a new world where the friendship that binds it to its southern neighbor is no longer commonplace. with the current administration "in Washington.

" This appeasement policy, or this gambling policy that was attempted by the Trudeau government at the beginning, I think this time is over, "said Gomez, one of the founders of the Mexican Council for Foreign Relations Catherine Cullen

"We have to sit down and look at the national interests of each country and be very clear that we can not be allies if we are not friends and this is not a way to treat our friends. "

Gomez argued that the new left-wing president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has no ties to big business as does incumbent President Enrique Peña Nieto, and therefore will not be indebted to commercial interests in the same way.

"I think he's going to be a better negotiator because of that," Gomez said. "In terms of labor standards and increase wage settlements, I think [he is] is going to be very open to that as the outgoing administration, which had a lot of ties with the big business sector. "

Gomez, who said that he campaigned with Lopez Obrador, will advise the president to use the security interests of the US government as leverage in ongoing trade negotiations with the administration of US President Donald Trump.

"One of the things that Canada and Mexico share is the fact that the United States depends on these two countries for their survival," said Mr. Gomez. "The United States is a country with significant national security challenges and only having a cooperative Canada and Mexico can move things forward."

Former Mexican Congressman Agustin Barrios Gomez Joins Power & Politics Elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Means For The NAFTA Negotiations 8:59

He also said that Canada and Mexico should stay together rather than be tempted to sign bilateral trade agreements separately – which Trump has called for. It would be a serious mistake on the part of the two countries [Canada and Mexico] to try to conclude separate agreements, because the idea behind this is that the United States has the feeling that they will be more free to put on weight in the case of bilateral negotiations, "he said." Make no mistake. "

The focus on Canada-US trade is already starting to increase construction and manufacturing costs in the United States, according to Sandy Baruah, Detroit President and Regional Chief, Chamber of Commerce

"The Reasons Why We Want to Break NAFTA Exceed Me" [19659013] "American companies are very attentive to their results," he told Cullen Tuesday. "Companies as big as General Motors and as small as Lucerne [International] really talk about the direct impact of the number of people that they will be able to use, and their financial profitability is very much at stake. "

Interrogated to find out he supported Canada's decision to tax US imports in retaliation for US tariffs on Canadian aluminum (10). %) and steel (25%), Baruah replied: "Absolutely. I never want to advocate that countries impose tariffs that hinder economic growth and hinder the creation of jobs, here or elsewhere, but that is what is happening between the United States and Canada. Prime Minister Trudeau's position that the United States imposes a unilateral package of tariffs is quite natural for other countries.

Sandy Baruah, President and CEO of the Detroit Regional Chamber And Politics to discuss Canada's decision to impose retaliatory tariffs on US products 6:58

The US Chamber of Commerce, the largest business group in the country, on Monday launched a nationwide campaign against the fs imposed by the Trump administration on its allies.

Baruah expressed concern over the threat of the Trump administration to impose other tariffs, this time on the auto industry, He noted that 25 to 35% of 39, a car badembled in the United States is composed of coins from all over the world. He said that tariffs on the auto industry would increase the cost of a car built in the United States for a US buyer, but up to $ 3,000.

"The reason we would like to break NAFTA is beyond me and I think the business community is very united about the fact that NAFTA must remain intact," he said. he says

"The first rule of a new NAFTA is: first, do no harm. "

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