Supermassive Games Exclusive games for PS4 still to come despite Man of Medan


Supermbadive Games, developers of Until Dawn, will multiply in their next horror anthology game, Man of Medan. However, the studio said that despite this, several exclusive Supermbadive Games PS4 games will still be coming, and that the relationship of the studio with Sony is still very good.

Supermbadive Games was catapulted into the public's eye in horror of survival when they released their surviving horror survival game Until Dawn, in which players took control of a group of teenagers while they were trying to survive a terrifying night in an isolated cabin.

They also created two side games for Until Dawn, both virtual reality titles. One, Rush of Blood, is a shooter with images of Until Dawn, while the other, The Inpatient, tells the story of Mount Mbadive Asylum, specifically the day the Wendigos broke free and began to run wild in the building.

Since then, Supermbadive has announced its Dark Pictures Anthology, a series of shorter survival horror games inspired by Until Dawn. The first of them, The Man of Medan, will be released in 2019 for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. It tells the story of a group of teenagers trying to dive and explore a sunken ship, but find themselves trapped on a ghost ship while a storm rushes.

But with the exclusive PS4 games from Supermbadive Games that seem to be coming out, we do not really know what they will be. Since these are multiplatform games, they are unlikely to be related to the Dark Pictures anthology, but there is no guarantee that they are also horror games.

Supermbadive Games has made some other non-horrible games, such as LittleBigPlanet titles, Killzone HD remastering and a few others like Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock. But all that remains is to wait to see what they will offer for these exclusive PS4 Supermbadive Games.

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