Ted Cruz valiantly defends Alex Jones against Facebook's temporary Internet prison


Texas Senator Ted Cruz took some time off his busy schedule to be generally hated by everyone on Saturday to defend the conspiracy theorist and Alex Jones against a temporary suspension on Facebook

. Once, Cruz struck a centrist position, but between him and Infowars: he disapproves of what Jones says, but he will defend until the last bad tweet Jones's right to defame mbad shooting survivors and their families to hundreds of thousands of followers of Facebook

. of Jones – among other things, he has repeatedly slandered my father by falsely and absurdly accusing him of killing JFK – but who the hell did Facebook make the referee of political discourse? "Cruz wrote." Freedom of expression includes points of view with which you do not agree. # 1A "

In other words, there is a war for your spirit!

The father of Cruz fired at John F. Kennedy however is extremely low on the list of bad things that Jones and Infowars did.

Recently, this list includes the promotion of far-right personalities like white supremacist Faith Goldy, who endorsed "ethno-nationalism" on the anti-Semitic red .Impediated media network and made video reviews of fascist literature, as a candidate for the mayor of Toronto. (Infowars aired Friday a page a little confused in the caller "a pro-Trump nationalist .") More generally, it includes targeted harbadment of mbad shooting survivors and their loved ones, the official reason for Jones' suspension temporary Facebook and one of the many things Jones is currently doing the subject of legal proceedings.

Jones' suspension is therefore not a suppression of "freedom of expression" as Cruz claims, as it is a penalty for violating Facebook's terms of service. To the extent that this raises concerns, it's after weeks of criticism of Facebook's refusal to ban Infowars and CEO Mark Zuckerberg who claims that Holocaust deniers are simply ignorant, which suggests that Jones' ban was simply an arbitrary half-measure designed to calm critics rather than consistently applying his policies at all levels. (Importantly, Jones' 30-day suspension would have affected only the scope of his personal account and not that of Infowars.)

The Conservatives have long been paranoid with respect to social media based in San Francisco liberal. I have been particularly sensitive to the penalties that affect the reach of other conservatives. For example, after an article by Gizmodo last weekend reported that Twitter seemed to downgrade some far right accounts with a history of hostility on the platform in the search results, VICE News has roughly describes the change as "banishing the shadow". President's tweet:

This is a model: technology companies want to deeply avoid the headaches that accompany the Conservatives, but they also want to rebadure the users who did something about creeping trolling, misinformation and harbadment. So they end up spoiling it on both sides, and then the Conservatives close the ranks and shout anyway. It's a small miracle that the President has not yet weighed on Jones.

In any case, framing the question in terms of "freedom of expression", Cruz can ignore the context and the content of this speech and pursue the final Conservative Final: not to account for anything what they say. They do not want Facebook to play just as much as they want according to their rules and according to their terms, and if you make Pizzagate Pizzagate who thinks the Illuminati are putting chemicals in the water to make "the friggin frogs "gay in" a martyr help, so be it.

Gizmodo has reached out to comment on Cruz's office, and we'll update this article if we hear it. [19659014] [ad_2]
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