The 10 best horror games to play Halloween


At Halloween, there's nothing better than closing the curtains, turning off the lights, pretending you're not in the place of the annoying kids knocking on the door and getting into a terrifying game or six . But what to choose? Creeping terror? Monstrous enemies? Buckets of blood? Let us show you the way with our list of the top 10 games to play Halloween.

Dead space

An image of Dead Space

Available on: PS3, Xbox 360, PC

A decade ago we received a plasma cutter and were asked to cut the monsters in a way that can only be described as "a knife burning with very bloody butter". Even ten years do not seem to have blocked nightmares. In Dead Space, everyone can hear you scream. If you have not already had the joy, uh, pleasure, the frightening walk of Isaac Clarke across the USG, Ishimura could swim in a monster mash, but that's a scary fear and atmospheric that you will not be able to erase from your mind. upholstery for years.

Until dawn

An image of Until Dawn

Available on: PS4

If the glut of smart meta-horrors of the late '90s put you under threat, with its mix of teenish talk, self-reverential laughter and endless human killer murders, this PS4 exclusive will your horrifying catisse. With Hayden Panettiere – yes, at one point, she wandered in a towel – until Dawn sent you to a snowy mountain without cell reception and more than a chance of hidden murder. Every choice you make may put the life of the distribution, which is far too deadly, in danger, and a nice mid-way handbrake turn keeps you firmly on your guard.

Silent Hill 2

An image of Silent Hill 2

Available on: PS2

If you have a horror of your childhood in the game that deserves to be replayed, it's Silent Hill 2. You could do a lot worse than pulling your PS2 out of your attic to try again. Ignore the HD collection and load your original for nostalgia for hidden fears hidden in the fog. James Sunderland's journey into madness consists of scary little moments in an atmosphere of total terror. The first time you hear the crackle of static radio. The pure horror of having to take your light source from a headless mannequin. Your first glimpse of the famous chef Pyramid Head, motionless in the building. Everything is terrifying.

Each note from Akira Yamaoka's unstoppable industrial score will test your courage to discover the small town where James and his wife created all those happy memories. And despite all the scary sounds and images, you will find that it is the heart that hurts the most. This game is not just a series of disgusting moments or a few violent shocks. Ridden with the orders of the millennium chariots for a few hours, Silent Hill 2 is the pinnacle of the horrifying horror of survival.

Alien: Isolation

An image of Alien: Insulation

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

The links between the films do not have the best reputation, but the horrible experience of xenomorphic Creative Assembly compensates for all the bad movie games of the last 20 years. After Ripley's daughter, Amanda, as part of her investigation into her missing mother, Alien: Isolation is extremely tense. It is bad enough to know that the xenomorp is stalking you, but introduce the exquisite sound design as each sound resonates through the empty space station, and your motion tracking begins to beep and becomes happily unbearable.

Survive to

An image of Outlast

Available on: Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC

Yes, the night vision is scary, and no, when you said "Stay somewhere with a little character," we did not think you were talking about a real asylum. There are no two ways to go, the journey of Red Barrels in the dark is horrible. Distributing only a camera and a few batteries – why would you need a weapon? – and sending you to Mount Mbadive Asylum, Outlast shoots you with a handful of steel and cold that puts your sanity on repeatedly stress. Deaf, corridors with wheelchairs abandoned and rotating, everything you thought was now a cliché is enhanced with a green color art. Play at your own risk.

Until the dawn: Rush of blood

A picture of Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Available on: PS4 (PS VR)

Virtual reality was made for horror games. Well no. We all know what virtual reality was designed for, but innocently badume it was designed to scare us, huh? While there is a terrifying array of virtual reality options to help you lose your mind as well as your spatial awareness, the Until Dawn option is particularly impressive. You would not think that turning the teen horror IP into a round robin on rails does the trick, but Rush of Blood is the ultimate ghost train to drive, whether alone or with friends.

Whatever you fear, Rush of Blood has something for you. Scary clowns? Awesome. Huge spiders and tiny spiders coming into your basket? Sure. Huge slaughterhouses of dead pigs and dolls staring? Oh yes. And the monsters running against you are not enough for Rush of Blood. You may have some weapons to make you feel a bit better, but Supermbadive understands how virtual reality works and will happily send you jump fears and invasions of your personal space to do the terrifying job. The reasons to choose a PlayStation VR for this Halloween party are not much better.

Scales of fear

An image of Layers of Fear

Available on: Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC

Ah, come out of the horror with nice creative time. Mmmm, paint with numbers. Oh, is it done with human hair? Did these dolls always look at us like that? Exploring the home of an artist finishing his ultimate masterpiece, Layers Of Fear is an exciting exercise that scares surrealism and is always inventive, even terrifying. The endless walls of death-eyed paintings are deeply troubling and the way the house moves like a haunted Rubik's cube means you'll never feel comfortable. The developer Bloober Team has perfected the art of fear.

Cemetery Guardian

An image of Graveyard Keeper

Available on: Xbox One, PC

Imagine Stardew Valley with corpses and you're pretty close to the daily necrotic routine of Graveyard Keeper. Of course, this is not a game of horror in itself, but tell the poor boy who must accept the corpses of a seriously grumpy donkey, then try to appease the townspeople and get rid of corpses to win their life. It's not quite the charm of naming chickens, but there is something horribly appealing about managing your own graveyard. Organize a festival with delicious cooked meat, you say? Of course, I just went to the butcher … Hannibal would be proud.


An image of P.T.

Available on: Nowhere else, unless you have a PS4 with it installed …

We have all heard of the call coming from inside the house, but do you know the story of a campfire about the horror game that has disappeared? PlayStation Store? All right, maybe there should not be a sitting or lighted candles in front of the mirror to make it stand out, but the mythical PT The "Playable Teaser" of the game Silent Hills, which never existed, is technically available only on older PS4. Quickly after the horror dream of Guillermo del Toro and Hideo Kojima was canceled, the demo has completely disappeared from the PlayStation Store. Imagine then finding an old dusty console in an attic, plugging it in and playing a game where a dirty paper bag talking to you is the most enjoyable part of this disturbing and unpredictable experience. Think of an infinite corridor pushing you into nightmarish loops, pushing you to turn the corners to reveal elongated shady visions, jump fears, rolling eyes and bloody, fleshy creatures in the bathroom sinks. There are even rumors that there are ways to unlock the latest revelation from Norman Reedus wandering the foggy city, and one of them is reciting words desperately in your microphone between the chimes of a clock. P.T. That may not sound, but it is terribly real.

Resident Evil 7

An image of Resident Evil 7

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

After 22 years of biohazards, you would think that Resident Evil would have done everything. Surely there are not so many ways to dress monsters and herbs? Well no. Resident Evil 7 is a modern masterpiece inspired by horror movies. The despicable Baker family and its dilapidated mansion come straight from the chainsaw mbadacre in Texas, while the footage found is inspired by the demons of REC and the Blair Witch project. The first-person perspective adds a new level of fear when you enter a house where it is clear that no one ever leaves. (You can even play in PS VR mode if you feel brave.)

The game may collapse somewhat in its final act as it returns to the more traditional elements of Resi (another face grenade monster – you really should not have one), but the first hours of Resident Evil 7 are a true intravenous horror. Play hide-and-seek with the hideous Marguerite, solve dark riddles and wait for the fiery patriarch Jack Baker to lift his hideous, bearded head, here's a franchise that shows you can teach an old dog new tricks. Even those who are trying to slit you.

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