The 205 Live Report Card (7/10/18): Remember Momentum


Just a week away from the biggest match in the brand's history, 205 Live will now look to retain its recent momentum with another rare title match. In fact, Cédric's defense against Itami will be only the match of 2 nd on 205 Live in 2018, making it a perfect sequel to the magic of last week. Seriously, I'm really interested to see how this week's main event compares in comparison. He certainly has a lot to live for, but after spending so much time in the background, it's important for Alexander to deliver great nonetheless.

WARNING : This show is in many ways, designed for my disgust. Frankly take all the criticism with a grain of salt, they are almost all misplaced and many even come with a disgusting bias. On the bright side, if I enjoy this program, it augurs very well for your own pleasure. In this sense, it is the ideal.

We begin our evening with a recap of Hideo Itami's recent actions. This includes his interference and his triple threat against Ali and Murphy as well as Cédric l 'interpella. This compilation was short but effective, with beautiful things about SPORT STYLE.


After having a wonderful time last week, I was not furious to see the guys this week's show. I absolutely missed a ton and 100% did not prefer the show during their brief absence. Nevertheless, Kalisto faces Tony Nese here and after some athletic stalemates, he quickly gained an advantage. His success would however be brief, with Nese taking control and rooting. That left Lince and Metalik with no other choice because they were predictably turning to their noisy irritants

Of course, this very pissed off Buddy Murphy … oh yes, he's there by the way . It seems to be in the middle of a terrible hangover too. The eventual return of Kalisto quickly arrived anyway and that was fine, but Nese countered Salida Del Sol and regained control. Once again desperate, the guys turned around to make noise and enraged even more Buddy in the process. He had had enough this time, and headed for what only distracted Nese. This allowed Kalisto to take advantage with a big dive, but Murphy finished the match anyway, hitting Kalisto in the lead to provoke a DQ.

A fight immediately broke out in response and it was rather physical. Punching, kicking and pulling shirt, chaos all around pal. In the end, the masked men stood in the middle of the ring as Nese pulled the furious Murphy. Fun enough angle that protected the two guys in the game. As for Kalisto specifically, he was fine here, it was not meant to be a great match, but he was harmless anyway.

Grade: C +

Tony Nese

Nothing particularly new learned about Nese for me here but he was also quite good without making a big impression anyway. I will say that I love the pure trepidation in his voice when he counts his own abs, it's simply remarkable content and it's only enhanced by the way he contrasts with Angry Buddy. As I said, it was not really a match but I still enjoyed the fact that Nese was cut, catching Kalisto and immediately establishing his power advantage.

His heat was lacking interest but it was by design on this occasion, as attention shifted to Murphy's problems with the sound of lucha. Nese's final offensive shot here is still positive as I'm just a fan of the men who are slammed to the mat like a first Ricardo Arona. Glad to see Tony protected from a loss and this should be a fun program that, hopefully, will help Nese tremendously, especially alongside Buddy.

Clbadification: C +

Behind the scenes, Drake Maverick and Noam Dar talk about the struggle. TJP arrived soon and blatantly lied about Maverick, only making Live worse. A few brief discussions then led Maverick to book a match between the two for next week. Cool … maybe … I guess?

Following that, we had a short video on Hideo Itami and the word "respect".

Lio Rush [19659003] Another showcase of Lio Rush now as he went to gather. His opponent here is Colin Delaney (my god) but before the action can begin, Akira Tozawa showed up as Lio did last week. At the first bell, Rush reacted to this by rolling to the outside and grabbed a chair for Akira to sit down. Tozawa is not a fan of chairs and just kicked. At action now and I imagine that Delaney will enter as a wagering favorite here, he is super experienced and has quite the resume.

He immediately caught a fast winding too, taking advantage of a distracted rush until Lio He was kicked out and went straight to work, Delaney floors with a few quick kicks before making a mockery of Tozawa. He then did a little bit of madness and hit his kick to send Delaney to the floor. Finally, he fired Delaney and struck the last hour for the win. Incredible victory for Rush here on an ECW legend. Very impressive but personally, I would like to see a rematch, it seems that Colin was caught cold unfortunately.

Level: A ]

After the match, Tozawa embraced Rush's schemes and climbed the table. with a microphone in his hand. He called Rush Awesome, but pointed out that he has never done anything in 205 Live … just. This promo unfortunately only received "chants", while Tozawa finally asked if Rush wanted to fight before claiming that he could not hear his answer. This naturally encouraged Rush to ask Akira's microphone (following the rules that they are only allowed one micro at a time out of 205) but in response, Tozawa misled him and ultimately dropped the microphone on the floor.

seemed ready to go on, Drake Maverick arrived and booked a game in between for next week. That got boos while the crowd was now apparently interested in such a thing, what a lot of frauds.

We then had a recap of the madness of the main event of last week. All this was very dramatic because he built the heroic triumph of Ali, but frankly, this match justified the video processing, it was really special. Speaking of Ali, he stayed on the screen as we went to Cedric's locker room, and saw him set fire to his next title game.

A self-portrait by Drew Gulak followed and featured Gallagher and Kendrick. Gulak clarified that this is not his ideal format, but I have nevertheless appreciated the effort.

WWE Cruiserweight Title

Hideo Itami c. Cedric Alexander (C)

The main event now and in neat contact, it is apparently a first time matchup. We started things with an intense blockage but Itami failed to break clean, quickly setting the tone. The grappling exchanges followed until Itami received a kind of zany thunderbolt that briefly amazed Alexander. More carpet wrestling came next with Cedric constantly forced to close the distance while he was watching to avoid Itami strikes. Cedric then rushed with his beautiful dropkick and cut an Itami on fire with a vicious ax on his chest.

However, Itami came back quickly, almost sweeping Cedric out of the air with a sternum kick. Itami's mouth was already bleeding here and unsurprisingly so considering Alexander's pledge to directly hit people in the face. Whatever it was, Hideo was now in control, stalking Cedric with kicks and taunting him along the way. Alexander made a quick return with a few chops, but was cut again and he had already entered the screaming sales phase. I've seen people criticize Cedric's sales in the past but, in general, I appreciate it a lot.

On the other hand, his big sale was almost irrelevant and forced here considering Itami's limited attack at this point in the match. In another example of this, Hideo grabbed a hold and continued to talk to both Cedric and the crowd. He then continued to stomp Alexander on the carpet before grabbing another hold. This heat segment was totally non-creative and it was only made worse by the lack of itami flash early. These combined elements were doing a match that until then had been a rhythm.

Now, I know, I know. It's very hypocritical on the part of all people to ask for more flash from a heel but let's be clear here: that's 205 Live. You enter the silence on this mark, but the idea is that you work in things and that it will not happen with crowd heads and taunts. The Cruiserweight style is unique in that sense, it's not the place for traditional heel work in my opinion … not at this point anyway. The return of Cedric arrived soon after and presented all his signature fault, culminating in his big dive on the ground.

Cedric landed incredibly hard here, with his back making a loud thud on the ground. ground. Again, all this came to nothing but the silence of the live crowd, it is a difficult friend. Anyway, Itami was avoiding the stepping-line clothesline, but could not escape the neuralyser that brought a false finish. At this moment, Alexander began to search for Lumbar Check, but Itami pushed him away, shook Cedric and strangled him on the top rope before hitting a clothesline

A big exchange of blows followed while the two men were looking for one last advantage but in the end, it 's the slap of Itami who took control. A big kick in the corner came next and Itami then hit a suplex for 2. Desperate after Alexander expelled (from a suplex?), Itami turned to the turnbuckle just like it's been weeks but the referee stopped him this time Cedric to catch a quick roll-up. Itami evicted, then cut Alexander, sending the champion to the floor

Itami followed Cedric to the floor too, dropkicking Alexander as he rested against the steps, then finally throwing him in the ring. By the time he did, Cedric kicked out and after fending back two fists, he grabbed Lumbar Check as Hideo ran the ropes, retaining his belt in the process. It was a good match, but by 205 Live's high standards, I left a little disappointed. I found that the pace was rather dull and Itami's attack usually made me very little

The point of view that I imagine will be the champion status of Cedric and it's just right. Just like everyone else on this series, it's usually not finished and it makes things harder for everyone. The problem is that Ali is so consistent that it's hard not to make comparisons that make Cedric miss a little bit. We'll see what happens but I wanted more of that match, that's for sure.

Level: B

Final Thoughts

The 205 Live of last week was considered the must-watch of this brand . On the other hand, this week's episode has completely failed to capture this same sensation. The first match went well, but nothing remarkable and the showcase of Rush was obviously short. Whereas, this episode depended on the main event in the same way that most do but on this occasion, the main event just did not connect me significantly. That was fine, but nothing I would recommend to an occasional WWE viewer and it's a shame given the scarcity of Cruiserweight title matches.

I will not react here because this match was still good and I remain a believer in Cedric as a talent. That being said, I hope that Alexander's next defense will not only match but will also exceed the standard set by his peers. This seems really essential to his role as a champion and, hopefully, he will start to do so soon.

Grade: B

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