SEATTLE – The Gee-Gees traded the Gee-Gees against the Toronto Gee-Gees against the Toronto Blue Jays, while Roberto Osuna was replaced by Roberto Osuna. ] Houston also sent right-handers David Paulino and Hector Perez to Toronto as part of the transaction, a day before the deadline for trade without waivers
"It was a (deal) that made sense in A baseball prospect, "Blue Jays general manager Ross Atkins said on a conference call Monday. "Extremely excited that Giles, Perez and Paulino are joining the organization, I think for many reasons this agreement makes sense and starts with the talent we gain."
Osuna, 23, is eligible for the Major Leagues starting Sunday after a suspension of 75 games under the Domestic Violence Policy of the Major League Baseball. He has made six incessant appearances of a round in the minors since July 14, the last three at Triple A.
Osuna has not played in the major leagues since May 6, two days before that he be put on administrative leave when he was accused of an badault in Toronto – which remains outstanding. His next appearance is scheduled for Wednesday in Toronto.
Atkins was asked if Osuna 's poor optics returning to the Jays launch took into account the decision to go forward. 19659006]. fans and we feel empathy for the fans and we finally work for the fans, "he said." That's how we do our job, we are human and it is very difficult to accuse us of not influencing ourselves one way or another. "
" That said, it made sense for the organization. "
Justin Players Verlander and Lance McCullers Jr. expressed contempt for domestic abusers in March when the video of former spy Astros Danry Vasquez beat his girlfriend.Vasquez was released by Houston after an arrest for the incident in 2016. KRIS-TV in Houston obtained and broadcast the video, which showed Vasquez, still partially in uniform, hitting his girlfriend in a stairwell at the Double-A Corpus Christi Stadium
"( Emoji's middle finger), "tweeted Verlander" I hope the rest of your life without baseball is horrible. You deserve everything that comes your way! "
" It's the reality of domestic violence, "writes McCullers. It's always brutal, always sickening. We have to fight for the victims, video or not. He should be in prison. If you need help, find it. People care about it.
Prime Time Sports
The Jays did well because of Osuna's toxicity in Toronto
July 30, 2018
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. has a 0-0 record with nine saves on 10 occasions and a 2.93 ERA in 15 games this season, he was a star member last year, while he scored 3-4 with 39 stops and a 3.38 ERA. For example, second base Seattle player Robinson Cano, who is ineligible.
"There were a few other teams that were interested, and about Roberto, and he appeared in Houston obviously the most interested, or at least lining up the best with us in terms of return," said Atkins.
Osuna lost 89 days of salary, which amounts to $ 2,536,022 of his $ 5.3 million salary, and the suspension delayed his eligibility for the free agency from one year to one year. after the season 2021.
the due diligence of our front office was unprecedented.We are convinced that Osuna is full of remorse, voluntarily respected all the consequences related to his past behavior, took advice in ways proactive and will fully comply with our zero tolerance policy on abuse, "said Jeff Luhnow, general manager of Astros.
In a statement issued by the Astros, Osuna said:" I thank Jeff Luhnow and to the Astros organization for having believed in me. I will not let them down. "
Prime Time Sports
Gays had what they could for Osuna given his legal problems
July 30, 2018
Your browser does not support the audio [19659023Giles27is0-2with12savesanda499earnedrunaveragethisseasonandwascurrentlyinthehandsoftheminers
Giles is hit in the face this season when he was heading for the dugout On May 11, Gary Sanchez, of the Yankees, scooped a three-run circuit in the ninth inning, he was opted for Triple-A Fresno on July 11th. , one night after the right-hander seemed to curse manager AJ Hinch
Giles, 27, made 34 saves on 38 occasions with a 2.30 ERA and 11.9 strikeouts by nine innings for the season's Astros He gave two points in three sets against Boston in the AL Division series and surrendered three others He was eliminated in the fourth game of the league championship series against the New York Yankees, and awarded five points in a series of World Series games against the Los Angeles Dodgers
. at 1 and allowed the three hitters that he faced to reach the base. Giles took the loss and no longer appeared in the series
Prime Time Sports
Ken Giles never found his place with the Astros
July 30, 2018
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Giles has a salary of $ 4.6 million and is eligible for free agency after the 2020 season.
Paulino, 24, has a record 2-1 and a 6.25 ERA in nine games with the Astros. He missed most of the 2017 season due to a suspension of 80 games without pay for getting a positive result in the competition. He has not played at the Major League level this season
Perez, 22, is 3-4 with two saves and a 3.73 ERA in 21 games at Buies Creek Clbad A and at Corpus Christi of Double-A. 19659038]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function ()
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