The cancellation of the curriculum writing session raises concerns in Ontario


TORONTO – The sudden cancellation of curriculum writing sessions designed to respond to the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has raised concerns among Aboriginal leaders and other groups that Call a 'step backward' on the road to reconciliation. canceled the sessions – scheduled for two weeks this month – after the Conservative government, which took office on June 29, reduced travel expenses in the public service.

The canceled sessions were designed to improve the Aboriginal perspective in the province's curriculum. 19659002] Perry Bellegarde, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said in a statement that the cancellation appeared to contradict a commitment by the provincial government.

"Ontario is committed to working with aboriginal partners to deal with the legacy of residential schools," Bellegarde said. "Premier Doug Ford must tell us how his government intends to respond to calls for The TRC's action. "

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission spent six years studying the church-run, government-sponsored residential school system, and when the report was released in 2015, he described the system as "cultural genocide" and formulated 94 general recommendations, or calls for action, covering everything from the increased independence of the police and the reduction in the number. The Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Derek Fox, said the Ontario government's decision to abruptly cancel the sessions late last week will not help achieve the government's goals. to action. [1965] 9002] "We have heard from many educators, elders and knowledge keepers and we share their frustration when this important work has been abandoned. just before it starts, "said Fox in a statement." It's a step back on our path to reconciliation. Youth education in Ontario should not be dictated by the ruling party, but left to professionals who recognize that building identity is the only positive progress.

Government also canceled American sign language writing sessions "

Fox said the decision will affect Aboriginal participants, many of whom have set aside time to stay away from work to attend the sessions.

"We ask the government to reaffirm its commitment. … working with Aboriginal partners to address the legacy of residential schools, closing gaps and removing barriers, supporting Aboriginal cultures and reconciling relationships, "said Ben Menka, spokesperson for the Minister of Education , Lisa Thompson. go ahead with the updated curriculum revisions of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

"The ministry will work with experts, elders and he added that the department had decided to cancel the operation without giving directions to Thompson.

" In accordance with the. Prime Minister Doug Ford's Commitment to Managing Government More Effectively All departments will seek to achieve initiatives in the most cost-effective way possible, "said Menka.

NDP legislator Peggy Sattler Criticized the Conservative Government for making the decision to cut in-camera sessions

education benefits all students and promises a better shared future.The abandonment of CVR curriculum writing sessions at the last second is a damaging step back on the road to reconciliation – and it sends a horrible message to aboriginal communities about their importance to the Ford government, "said Sattler. [ad_2]
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