The Classification Review Board reverses its decision to ban dystopian gambling


The highly anticipated We Happy Few – an alternative 1960 game where citizens of an English city are controlled by psychotropic drugs – will be sold in Australia following an official review of its clbadification

The decision was made by the Clbadification Review Board, an independent committee that is convened when a clbadification decision by the Australian Clbadifiaction Board is challenged. While the original decision was that We Happy Few dealt with substance abuse and addiction problems "in such a way that they contravene the standards of morality, decency and decency generally accepted by reasonable adults. The Three

"The Computer Game We Happy Few is ranked R18 + (Restricted) with the Consumer's Advice" Fantasy
Violence and Interactive [traduction] "In the opinion of the Clbadification Examination Committee we are happy but the R18 + clbadification is rarely justified because the interactive drug use has a significant impact. " [19659002] If the impact of drug use in a game exceeds "high", it can not be clbadified according to the National Clbadification Code.

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