The clocks "fold up" and the summer time ends Sunday. Here's how to survive the darkest days.


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By Vivian Manning-Schaffel

For the hundredth year, we put our clocks back for an hour, soothing the darkness of dark mornings but depriving us of evenings lit by the day.

According to a recently added section of The Indoor Generation, a study of YouGov and Velux, many of us feel less productive as clocks diminish – 74% of Americans say the lack of daylight affects their productivity, and 34% of Americans say the lack of daylight significantly affects their productivity.

Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg, Ph.D., badociate professor and director of the Institute for Health in the Built Environment of the University of Oregon, says the human need for light of the day is unconscious, but fundamental. "The rhythms of light and darkness are a fundamental part of the ecological system in which almost all species on the planet have evolved," he said. "Should we really expect anything other than an erosion of productivity if this natural system is severely disrupted?"

John Sharp, MD, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School and UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, and author of "The Emotional Calendar: Understanding Seasonal Influences and Milestones to Become Happier, More Proficient, and Control Your Life" "Less light in the day can also slow things down. What's interesting is that without light, our sleep-wake cycle would be much longer than today. But it is the absence of light that puts us in our sleep-wake. Sharp, he adds. "When it changes, it really affects us and can make people irritable, sleepy and want to leave the day earlier. It's easier to stop everything at 5 pm "

Some European Union countries have conducted a frank discussion in the hope of abolishing the summer time. Some northernmost countries, where it can be light or dark for several days, depending on the time of year, have cited health problems caused by the phenomenon, such as an 8% increase risk of stroke and 24% increased risk of heart attack. the Monday following the spring forward. According to the same study, the only good news is that, according to the same study, an additional hour of sleep coincides with a 21% reduction in the risk of heart attack the following Monday.

So, how can we better take the lead in the face of the ravages of daylight saving time?

Ease in sleep

Sharp says that recalling bedtime in 15-minute increments can help you make the transition easier. "Think about when you want to wake up and the amount of sleep you normally need, and then gradually adjust the bedtime to get closer to your sleep goal," he says.

Avoid alcohol and refined carbohydrates and sugar before you go to bed

At least 20 percent of US adults need alcohol to fall asleep, says Dr. Sanam Hafeez, clinical psychologist and faculty member at Columbia University Teacher's College. However, she says, soaking up the night before the clocks recoil is much more likely to hinder your sleep than help it. "Alcohol disrupts circadian functioning, interfering directly with the ability of the body clock to synchronize," she explains. "Since circadian rhythms have a dominant influence on the functioning of our body, the disruptive effects of alcohol can be generalized and thus affect sleep and other systems, including liver function," she says.

Mr. Sharp says that while alcohol, meals and high-carb snacks can comfort the shorter days, there is a price to pay for excessive consumption – especially that night. "Even if it relaxes you, you will not get the quality of sleep that will make you feel better during the day if you drink. And carbohydrates absorb energy because they metabolize to sugar and upset your basal metabolism and your glucose output so as to affect your energy and outlook, "he says. So you might be better off keeping alcohol and treats for hibernation spells inspired by 'hygge' or 'còsagach'.

Go out in the light of day

Hafeez says that light suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep, and that darkness causes it. To better adapt to the summer time, Hafeez advises to expose you as much as possible to the light of day. Even though it's cold, a long walk to the outside can raise your serotonin levels (and your mood), give you a dose of vitamin D – even boost your immune system, as previously reported. Conversely, at dusk, Hafeez recommends avoiding bright light so you can fall asleep faster. "For example, if you get up at night to go to the bathroom, do not turn on the light," she says.

To help you recalibrate your circadian rhythms on Monday after the clocks roll back, Wymelenberg recommends that you, as much as possible, hold your first morning meeting outside. If not, try placing your laptop in a place in your building through a sunny window.

Do not sleep with your smartphone

Hafeez said your phone may be more disruptive to your sleep pattern than expected. A study found that 68% of smartphone owners sleep either with their smartphone, in bed with them, or on their bedside table. Hafeez said, "So many people use their smartphones as alarm clocks – so it makes sense to keep your phone at your fingertips. But the temptation to consult social media sites, business e-mails or news headlines is often too strong to resist. As a result, you may feel stimulated by interactions with others or by something you read when you really need to relax, which partly explains why people who consume electronic media in bed are at a higher risk of being overweight. 39; insomnia. guilty, simply keep your phone in another room and set an old alarm so that it wakes up.

All these small, easy adjustments can make all the difference when it comes to adapting your body to the return of clocks, Sharp says. And if you do not get to bed 15 minutes earlier, consider at least keeping your hands in the cookie jar tonight.


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