
Planetary Radio • 4 July 2018
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On This Episode
Marc Rayman
Dawn Chief Engineer and Mission Director, Laboratory of Propulsion by Reaction
Bruce Betts
Scientific Chief / Program Manager LightSail, The Planetary Society
Ceres is the Queen of the Belt 39; asteroids. His first land visitor approaches his last days in a spectacular style. Dawn's director of mission and chief engineer, Marc Rayman, returns with great images taken just 35 kilometers or 22 miles above the dwarf planet, and a glimpse of the last days of the spacecraft. Bruce Betts, chief scientist of the Global Society, has a summer guide on the night sky, looks at the history of space exploration and delivers another document on random space. He and Mat Kaplan also have a new space issue for listeners.

NASA / JPL-Caltech Baldness / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA
This image was acquired by NASA's Dawn spacecraft on June 9, 2018 at a spacecraft altitude of about 27 miles (44 kilometers).

NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA
This simulated perspective view shows the Occator crater, measuring 92 miles (92 miles) across and 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) deep, which contains the brightest area of Ceres. This area has attracted keen interest since Dawn's approach to the dwarf planet early 2015. This north-facing view was made from images of low-level orbit mapping. altitude of Dawn, 385 kilometers above Ceres. The still mysterious bright regions are now known to be sodium carbonate.

NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA
Ceres Limb
En route to its final final orbit, NASA's Dawn spacecraft observes Ceres and returns new compositional data (infrared spectra) and images of the surface of the dwarf planet, such as this dramatic image of the Ceres member

NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / ASI / INAF
Juling Crater
This view of NASA's Dawn mission shows where ice has been detected in the north wall of Ceres' Juling Crater, which is in almost permanent shadow. This simulated perspective view was made using images of the low-altitude mapping orbit of Dawn, 240 miles (385 kilometers) above Ceres
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This Week's Price :
A Slender Planetary Radio T-shirt Shop Chop Shop Planetary Society. Also, an iTelescope.net astronomy account of 200 points.
Question this week:
What does Yuri Gagarin eat in space?
To submit your answer:
Fill out the contest registration form at http://planetary.org/radiocontest or write to us at [email protected] no later than Wednesday, July 11 at 8 am, Pacific time. Make sure you include your name and your mailing address
Question of last week:
Why is the asteroid of Earth near Hayabusa2 visiting Ryugu?
The answer will be revealed next week. 19659032] Question of the week before:
What is the approximate altitude range of the International Space Station above the surface of the Earth? Unique or humorous units are welcome but will not help you win
The International Space Station is currently running about 400 kilometers or 240 miles above the surface of the Earth

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