
A Harvard astrophysicist has stated that outer space is a little closer to the Earth than we previously thought. Mathematical modeling has shown that space is only 50 miles above the surface of the Earth. ( Pixabay )
Where does the Earth's atmosphere and outer space begin? A new article says that space is only 50 miles from the surface of the planet.
Astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics Center argues that scientists may have misunderstood the limit of space. According to McDowell, outer space begins at an altitude of 50 miles, 12 miles shorter than the Kármán line, which represents the predominant theory since the 1960s that space begins 62 miles miles north. above the surface of the Earth
What is the Kármán Line
In 1963, the aerodynamic researcher Theodore von Kármán suggested that the speed needed to lift an object in the air would be enough. atmosphere is the same as orbiting the Earth. Von Kármán said that the horizontal movement of the object on the orbit would counteract the effects of gravity.
However, McDowell says that the traditional vision of the edge of space is based on decades of misinterpreted data on objects orbiting the Earth. Since the age of 13, McDowell has been collecting data on every rocket launched into space, a hobby that often requires him to identify which rockets actually went into space and where those who remained in the Earth's atmosphere
During his study, McDowell examined the orbital models of 43,000 satellites based on data he collected from the North American Aerospace Defense Command , which follows the aerospace in the United States and Canada.
An overwhelming majority of the satellites were located in orbit well above the Kármán line, which means that they are undoubtedly in space.
However, 50 satellites drew McDowell's attention. After completing their missions, the satellites made several revolutions around the planet at altitudes well below the conventional limit of 62 miles.
The Soviet Elektron-4 circled the Earth 10 times at 52 miles altitude. the atmosphere and blow themselves up.
"Will you say [these satellites are] in space and not in space every two hours?" said McDowell. "It does not seem very useful."
McDowell then developed a mathematical model that identifies the point where the satellites left their orbits and burned when they entered the atmosphere. The model indicates that it is mainly at an altitude of 50 miles, although it can be between 41 and 55 miles.
In accordance with existing knowledge
The new findings are consistent with existing knowledge of the atmosphere. The mesopause, which is the coldest layer of the atmosphere, is 52 to 62 miles above the surface of the Earth.
Here, temperatures drop drastically and more and more charged particles circulate freely. In other words, the mesopause looks much more like space than the lower layers of the atmosphere.
Meteors that reach the Earth also disintegrate 43 or 62 miles above the planet, where the air compresses quickly. warms the meteor up to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit
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