The Facebook dating service expands in Canada and Thailand to tackle Tinder and Bumble


True to its goal of attacking mobile dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, Facebook has extended its dating features test to two new countries: Canada and Thailand.

The Facebook Dating service test was launched for the first time in Colombia in September. The feature included the integration of the user with groups and events on the social network platform with the idea of ​​encouraging people to meet in public.

For testing in Canada and Thailand, Facebook has new features. Among them is a feature called "Second Look" that allows users to reconsider a previous decision. So, we can pause the pairing in case they do not search anymore to date, The Verge reported Thursday.

The feature is available in the main Facebook application itself.

The social networking giant believes that this extension of test features would result in more registrations and would increase the user base on "Facebook Dating" with enough people who choose the app and start to match, adds the report.

The company began testing the application internally in August and asked its employees to use fake data for their dating profiles and plans to remove all data before the public launch.

The test feature is now available to users 18 years and older, free of charge, without advertising or premium features.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the application during the company's F8 speech, more commonly known as the F8 Developer Conference in San Jose, California, in May 2018.

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