Godzilla: The King of Monsters will hit screens five years after the first film, Godzilla.

Godzill: King of Monsters, Godzilla. Image via Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment
Director Michael Dougherty tells Entertainment Weekly about the world's reaction to Godzilla and Rodan: "The world reacts to Godzilla in the same way that we would react to any other terrifying incident, in that we exaggerate … but there is paranoia and endless speculation to know if he is the only one or if we are threatened by others like his kind. "
The title suggests that there are other beasts outside the mutated dinosaur; the three-headed Ghidorah king, the giant insect Mothra, and another flying monster, Rodan who, in the original Japanese movies, could create hurricane force winds. Dougherty continues to portray Rodan as a sidekick but more powerful than the king, Godzilla.
Godzilla continued will also extend to the atomic breathing of the monster. The director, without spilling too much beans, has revealed that he is hitting at a "key moment".
The list of characters includes Dr. Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga), a scientist working for the Monarch Animal Hunting Organization, and her daughter Madison, who is played by Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. The couple is kidnapped by what Dougherty describes as "a mysterious organization, with their own plans for the creatures."

Millie Bobby Brown (left), Vera Farmiga (right). Image via Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment
A presentation of Warner Bros Pictures and Legendary Pictures, due to arrive at the cinema on May 31, 2019.
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Publication date: Jul 13, 2018 12:54 PM
| Updated on Jul 13, 2018 12:54 PM
Updated: Jul 13, 2018 12:54 pm
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