A former Humboldt player Broncos and his family were identified among victims of a car accident that occurred north of Elrose, Saskatchewan. On Friday,
Troy Gasper, 26, his wife Carissa, 28, and their three children ages two, four, and six were in one of two SUVs involved in a head-on collision Friday afternoon.

The three children of the couple were among the victims killed in the accident (Facebook)
The 71-year-old woman driving the other vehicle, which came from Swift Current, is also died in the accident.
Gasper played with the Broncos in the 2009 to 2011 seasons, playing with the Rosetown Redwings shortly thereafter.
The Humboldt Broncos suffered another tragedy earlier this year when 16 people died after his team bus crashed on the way to a game.
We regret to announce the death of Troy Gasper, his wife and 3 children. result of a car accident in Saskatchewan yesterday
Gasper played two seasons with the Humboldt Broncos from 2009 to 2011.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Gasper family right now. pic.twitter.com/LiQc09Zt7h
The SJHL sends his condolences to the families of the loss of the ancient @HumboldtBroncos Troy Gasper, his woman and their three
– @theSJHL
A Rosetown elementary school confirmed that she had lost "a dear student" and her family and said that counseling services would be offered to her. School Monday and Tuesday. [19659002ThefrontalcollisionbetweenthetwoUSsisbeingcarriedoutintheafternoononthehighwayatElroseatabout150kilometerssouthofSaskatoon(19659002)Theywerealldeclareddeadatthesceneengulfedinflames"CplRobKingMediaRelationsforRCMPFDivisionsaid:

Cpl. Rob King, a spokesperson for the RCMP F Division, spoke to reporters of a vehicle collision near Elrose, Saskatchewan, which claimed the lives of a family of five and to another 71-year-old woman. (CBC News)
The Mayor of Elrose, Dennis Dixon, stated that an accident of this magnitude was tragic no matter where it occurred
"Whenever you have an accident like this, it's something "
" It's a tragedy. "

The collision that caused the deaths of six people took place on the highway 4, just north of Elrose, Saskatchewan. (CBC News)
The RCMP stated that the investigation of the crash was underway and that the cause of the collision had not been determined yet.
"At this point in the investigation, it is too early to say [what happened]," said King.
"We sent a reconstructor of accident, who just cleaned up the scene … It will take time to determine exactly what has happened to the best of their abilities. "
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