The former Knicks star, Charles Oakley, was arrested in a Las Vegas casino for gambling fraud


By The Associated Press

Thu, July 12, 2018

Regulators of LAS VEGAS-Casino in Nevada Accuse Former Charles Oakley of New York Star Knicks of gambling fraud.

The Nevada Gaming Control Council said Thursday that Oakley was arrested Sunday at the Las Vegas Strip's Cosmopolitan Casino Resort, suspected of having committed or attempted to commit a fraudulent act in a gambling establishment.

  Nevada casino regulators accuse former New York Knicks star Charles Oakley of gambling fraud.
Casino regulators in Nevada accuse former gambler of New York Knicks Charles Oakley of gambling fraud. ( Steve Russell / Toronto Star )

The agency says in a statement that Oakley is suspected of "increasing or reducing his bet" on a match after the result was known.

Oakley was booked and later released from prison. He was not immediately clear if he had a lawyer who could comment on his behalf.

The felony account carries between one and six years in prison and a $ 10,000 fine.

Oakley played for the 1988-98 Knicks, helping them reach the finals of the NBA


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