The Grates Cove Forest Fire under control; firefighters work to contain Cappahayden blaze | Local | New


A fire between Grates Cove and Daniel's Harbor that started Friday night is now considered to be under control as firefighters continue to fight the ground fire for the help of a firefighter. bomber of water and a helicopter.

Sunday, Day 3 of the Fire

People were told to evacuate the huts near Daniel's Cove on Friday night, but the danger to the huts in this area has now decreased.

Meanwhile, another fire in the Shoe Cove Road area, Cappahayden, has been out of control since Sunday afternoon, forestry officials said in a report

This light is very far from the road, and the ground crews were unable to access it on Saturday night. A helicopter was brought on Sunday morning to help ground crews access the fire. A water bomber and a helicopter helped the crews fight the fire. There is a lot of smoke in the area.

The fire has increased since Saturday evening, said a forest manager, and there is perhaps a danger that some cabins are on the way to the fire, but none [19659002TheRCMPisonthescene

Members of the public have been advised to stay away from both fire sites.

Firefighters wrestle against two recalcitrant forest fires in Avalon

Fire between Grates Cove Cove and Daniel & nbsp; which starts Friday night Always burning Saturday night, the firefighters stopped for the evening. Authorities say fire is still out of control and winds will increase and change direction

Several tankers and a helicopter were used on Saturday to fight the fire, but ground crews were not used In certain regions. who were considered too dangerous.
The equipment will return to the scene Sunday morning

Meanwhile, another tenacious fire was discovered Saturday afternoon near Cappahayden

This light is very far from the road, and the ground crews could not access it on Saturday. evening. Although the authorities stated that the fire was moving rapidly, there was no imminent risk to the property.

A water bomber was used to help contain the fire and a tanker was on the scene.

to help ground crews access the fire.

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