The Halloween costume of the Kitchener real estate agency draws attention online


A local commercial real estate agent Re / Max Twin City has transformed a vandalized lawn sign into a unique costume that is garnering attention in social media circles this Halloween.

Chantel Williams said that she had published an ad on Pioneer Drive in June when a salesman told him that the sign had been damaged.

It turned out that her photo had been drawn in black marker to make her look more like a horned pirate than a home seller.

"It's been part of my garage since friends and customers have mentioned that I should use it as a marketing tool, but I forgot about it until Halloween comes around and we have it." a party to which we surrender. "" I'm not very creative in the costume department, but the sign was still in the garage and looked at me every day, so I thought, damn it. "

Williams's husband approved and when she arrived at the party, her friends immediately knew what the costume was made of and loved it.

"My girlfriend took the pictures and sent them to me the next day. I shared it on social media and it completely exploded, "Williams said. "I can not believe the comments and sharing.

"Who would have known that my sense of silly humor would attract so much attention?"

Christine Small, a friend of Williams, said it was difficult to determine the full scope of posts on Facebook and Instagram that received hundreds of likes and dozens of actions.

"Hahahaha, I want to be friends with this girl," reads a comment from a Windsor person.

"The media is helping make the girl disguised as a tired mom viral," Small said. "But we have an inhabitant with a pretty epic suit here."

As a remark, Williams said that she absolutely did not tolerate any sign of vandalism, "but in this situation, I took lemons and made lemonade so to speak."

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