The honeymoon of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher was anything but romantic


Going on a honeymoon in RV is a very, very risky idea. Just ask Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher.

During an appearance at "The Tonight Show" on Monday, the actress told Jimmy Fallon the crazy story of her honeymoon with Kutcher after their wedding in 2015. (Kunis has prefaced the story by calling it "a national honeymoon from the real life of the lamp" so you know it gets bad.)

It all started when Kunis gave Kutcher a card- gift for an RV for his birthday. Pumped to use it, the actor proposed to make an RV trip for their honeymoon, all things. It becomes less romantic from then on: the couple brought their granddaughter, Wyatt, and Kutcher's parents on their trip to the California coast

while his in-laws were driving and remaining in what Kutcher had described as "RVs Taj Mahal," RV Kutcher and Kunis went in was slightly less luxury.

"With our 10-month-old child, we are in a tin can on wheels," said Kunis. "That's how it begins: eight hours after that, our air conditioner breaks down in Bakersfield by a time of 110 degrees."

Things got worse when the group looked for a place where it could be repaired.

"We Almost died on the side of the road when Apple cards took us on a road – it was not a road, "said Fallon the star of" Black Swan. "" C & # 39; was a fire road on the side of a mountain. We all had to jump out of the vehicle and walk for three miles while my father-in-law drove the van [other] and that Ashton, like him, was sailing on gigantic rocks because he had not been there. that a mbadive flood. [19659002] Fortunately, Kunis' mother-in-law, "wonderful and beautiful," suggested finishing the trip to a camping park near the vineyards of the Napa Valley.Unfortunately, she chose to use a outdated travel guide to find place instead of the Internet.

"An RV park, not to Napa but to an hour from Napa with two jails," recalled Kunis. "Yes, guys, it's here that our RV trip has ended. My husband looked at me and said, "I'm resigning" and I said, "Me too." And it was our honeymoon and three years later, we really love each other. "

Hey, you can not say that their relationship has not been tested on the road.

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