The Lakers add veteran Michael Beasley to a reworked list


LOS ANGELES (AP) The Los Angeles Lakers signed a one-year contract with Michael Beasley, adding the veteran to their revamped core around LeBron James.

The Lakers announced the case Monday.

Beasley averaged 13.2 points, 5.6 rebounds and 1.7 badists per game last year in a productive season with the New York Knicks, his sixth NBA franchise in 10 years in the league.

The former No. 2 pick was James' teammate during the 2013 -14 season season with the Miami Heat.

Beasley joins Rajon Rondo, Lance Stephenson and JaVale McGee in the Los Angeles off-season signing around James, who left Cleveland for the free-agent Lakers. The versatility and versatility of Beasley's 6-foot-9 meets the declared desire of Magic Johnson, the Lakers' leader, for resourceful and versatile veterans rather than role players.

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