The last: Report: German Pol to resign after migration


BERLIN – The last on the gap of immigration in the German government (all local time):


The German press agency dpa reports that the party leader partner in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel is The Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, resigned from his post as Minister of the Interior and head of the Bavarian Christian Social Union because of the conflicts with Merkel

. announce his resignation.

Seehofer and Merkel disagreed on Germany's approach to mbad migration. Seehofer has threatened to postpone some categories of asylum seekers to the country's borders, while Merkel insists on a solution involving other European countries.

Their three-week disagreement raised questions about the survival of Merkel's fourth government. The resignation of Seehofer is not yet clear.

3:35 pm

German Chancellor Angela Merkel declares that the new plan of the European Union to regulate immigration and the agreements that she has entered into with Key Countries

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants Germany to return some asylum seekers to the country's borders, but the Chancellor insisted on solutions to the situation. scale of Europe

. Union, the Bavarian sister sister of the Christian Democratic Union of Merkel in the German Conservative government

Merkel said Sunday on ZDF television that she was proposing "anchor centers" to deal with migrants to the borders of Germany and other EU countries. People who have applied for asylum in their country "have the same effect" as the UHC wants.

The two parties meet separately later. ay decide how to proceed.

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