The last: The losing candidate GOP asks supporters to vote Kemp


ATLANTA – The last on the elections in Georgia (all local times):

9:20 pm

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle has asked his supporters to stand behind the candidacy of Secretary of State Brian Kemp as governor.

After conceding the GOP's move to Kemp on Tuesday, Cagle told supporters that Kemp was "undeniably ready to lead this state." It was a quick reversal after a nine-week run that saw Cagle and Kemp attack on several fronts.

Kemp now faces Democrat Stacey Abrams as she tries to become the first black woman governor of the country.

Abrams, meanwhile, responded to Kemp's victory with a tweet asking supporters to stand behind his vision of Georgia versus Kemp.

Abrams and Kemp fought in the past about electoral security and voting rights

19659002] Secretary of State Brian Kemp won a crushing Republican crush in the race for the governor of Georgia, taking advantage of an overwhelming secret registration of his opponent and a late endorsement of Trump-Pence.

With Tuesday's victory over Lieutenant Governor Cas ey Cagle, Kemp faces Democrat Stacey Abrams. She could become the first black woman governor of the country

The race will test Democrats' badertion that demographic changes have transformed the Republican stronghold into a balanced state.

Cagle's campaign was shaken by a secret registration. to pbad a bill of "bad public policy" for political ends

Gov. Nathan Deal and the National Rifle Association supported Cagle. But Kemp was encouraged by the approval of the President


Supporters of Secretary of State Brian Kemp gathered in the Ballroom of the Holiday Inn in Athens, in Georgia, awaiting the results of the second GOP against Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle

Before the official results, supporters were hoping to party. A larger-than-life photo of Kemp was spreading from the floor to the ceiling of the ballroom. Campaign workers set up a table just outside the ballroom with Kemp bumper stickers and bottles of water. Arrangements of red, white and blue balloons adorned many tables.

Kemp got the endorsement of President Donald Trump. Cagle has won the support of Governor Nathan Deal.

Closed Polls at 19:00

7 pm

The Georgia elections were closed.

Tuesday's race pits Lieutenant Casey Cagle against Secretary of State Brian Kemp. They are seeking the GOP nomination for the governor. The winner will face Democrat Stacey Abrams in November

President Donald Trump has supported Kemp. Governor Nathan Deal supported Cagle.

5:30 pm

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle is disappointed with President Donald Trump's decision to approve Republican candidate Brian Kemp as governor of Georgia.

Cagle told a crowd of reporters during his Tuesday afternoon election in Atlanta that he was confident despite Trump's approval. for the primary runoff of the rudder. He described Trump's decision as "an unprecedented act," but says that if he is elected, he will always support the president.

He says the voter turnout has been low, with about 237,000 voters up to now.

Cagle says that Trump's support for Kemp him into a neglected role, which he embraces. He says that he has been an oppressed all his life, stressing that he was raised by a single mother and attended eight elementary schools.

12:10 PM

Vice President Mike Pence rallies Georgia Republicans to vote for Secretary of State Brian Kemp in the second round of the governorate.

Pence tweeted Tuesday morning that he and President Donald Trump are "all for you and hope that all GA Republicans will vote for the second round. You have run a great campaign!"

Trump endorsed Kemp last week and tweeted his support once again on Tuesday.

Kemp faces Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle in what has been a crushing Republican primary. Pence visited the state during the weekend to raise for Kemp.

Tuesday's winner faces Democrat Stacey Abrams in the fall.


President Donald Trump urges people in Georgia to vote for Secretary of State Brian Kemp in the second round of Republican government.

Trump tweeted Tuesday morning: "Today is the day to vote for Brian Kemp, it will be great for Georgia, full endorsement!"

Kemp faces Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle in what is was a crushing Republican primary. Trump unexpectedly endorsed Kemp last week. Vice President Mike Pence also visited the state during the weekend to campaign for Kemp

Cagle and Kemp both criticized immigration, weapons and social problems

The winner will face Democrat Stacey Abrams in the fall. She is trying to become the first black housekeeper of any American state.


Georgia Republicans will decide on a second sleight of hand that tests the loyalty of conservative voters to President Donald Trump

Tuesday's clash between state secretary Brian Kemp and lieutenant governor Casey Cagle opposes the White House, which Kemp supports, to outgoing Republican governor Nathan Deal, who backs Cagle

. Democrat Stacey Abrams is waiting for the winner, as she tries to become the first black housekeeper of any US state.

A well-known figure on Georgia's Capitol, Cagle entered the Republican race as the alleged favorite.

] Kemp, even as an elected state-wide official, has positioned himself as a "politically incorrect and conservative" outsider "fighting perpetually against liberal Democrats.

The two Republicans tried to line up at Trump, while taking strict lines on immigration, guns, and social problems.

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