Produced under the banner Purple Pebble Pictures by his mother Madhu Chopra and Priyanka, the film was directed by Paakhi A Tyrewala.
The film revolves around three Nepali children who are separated from their parents, escape the Maoist unrest in Nepal and take refuge in Sikkim.
The 35-year-old actor went on Twitter to make the announcement on Monday.
"The wait is finally over …" On December 7, 2018, Pahuna – The Little Visitors' is screened in movie theaters across India. </ P> <p> This is a very special movie and I can not wait to share it with you all. # Pahuna7thDec, "she writes next to the movie poster.
The wait is finally over … Pahuna – Small visitors come out in Indian halls on December 7, 2018. This is … https://t.co/SATu2HCmkm
– PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) 1541392327000
Paakhi said the film was a symbol of hope, something that helps people cope in a difficult world.
"Sometimes it's easier to give up hope is what we all need." As one of the characters in the movie says: "It's never all black, there is always light. "
"Pahuna is full of hope, which is why he has met a young and old audience around the world and he is now out in the country for which he was conceived and intended," he said. said the director in a statement.
Madhu added that the film is special because it addresses the far-reaching implications for children when adults make difficult decisions.
"This story is relevant around the world," she added.
Last month, "Pahuna" was voted best film (jury choice) and special mention of the professional jury in the category of international feature film at the international children's film festival SCHLINGEL in Germany.
Co-produced by the Children & # 39; s Film Society, India (CFSI), the film was premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) last year.
Films, fashion, social cause: the international transition of Priyanka Chopra
A girl like You
July 18, 2018
Actress, humanitarian, environmental activist, fashionista, singer, Priyanka Chopra puts on every hat with elegance and expertise.
She entertained us with her actress skills, inspired us with her journey and taught us that dreams come true. On the occasion of PeeCee's 36th birthday, here is his story in Hollywood.
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