The Men's Team of Ireland won the Challenge Trophy in San Francisco


The Irish men's rugby team won the Challenge Trophy at the Rugby World Cup in San Francisco with a final 24-14 win over Australia.

Captain Billy Dardis began the trial and Jimmy O 'Brien and his substitutes Terry Kennedy and Greg O' Shea joined him on the match sheet while the l '. Ireland beat four Australians at AT & T Park.

Stan McDowell was one of the tournament's top scorers with 17 over the three days, including four each. The pbading of the Australians was all the more impressive as Conroy had to leave early with a head injury , and Bryan Mollen was sidelined with an ankle injury for all the bars in the first round of the matches.

The team finished ninth in the overall standings at a tournament that saw New Zealand win the third World Cup for the third time, beating England 33 in 12.

Going forward in the first minute when Sione Molia showed his pace to overtake the English defense and claim a try that Kurt Baker converted.

England could not get out of its own half, and Molia punished them with a touchdown, Baker's conversion opened a 14-point advantage

The L & # 39; England stirred by a well-worked try for Mike Ellery as captain Tom Mitchell converted, though New Zealand has always remained one length ahead.

Ruaridh McConnochie England hoped for a superb try early in the second period after Joe Ravouvou's double for New Zealand, but it was also tight.

New Zealand finished the match with style while Akuila Rokolisoa added her fourth try, converted by Baker, Trael Jobad scored 30 points and Scott Curry was converted. , v, n, t, s) {
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