The plasma spitting quasar shines on the youth of the universe, the early formation of the galaxy – HeritageDaily


Pasadena, CA-Carnegie Eduardo Bañados led a team that found a quasar with the most brilliant radio show ever observed in the primitive universe, because of its jet of a material extremely fast.

followed by Emmanuel Momjian of the National Observatory of Radioastronomy, which allowed the team to see with unprecedented detail the cast of a quasar that trained during from the first billion years of the existence of the universe

. The Astrophysical Journal will allow astronomers to better probe the youth of the universe during an important period of transition to its current state.

Quasars are made up of huge black holes accumulating matter in the center of mbadive galaxies. This newly discovered quasar, called PSO J352.4034-15.3373, is part of a rare breed that not only swallows matter in the black hole but also emits a jet of plasma moving at speeds approaching those of light . This jet makes it extremely brilliant in the frequencies detected by radio telescopes. Although the quasars were identified more than 50 years ago by their strong radio broadcasts, we now know that only 10% of them are powerful radio transmitters

Moreover, the light of this newly quasar Discovery has traveled nearly 13 billion 13.7 billion years to reach us here on Earth. P352-15 is the first quasar with obvious evidence of radio jets seen in the first billion years of the history of the universe.

"There is a shortage of powerful radio transmitters known to the youth of the universe and it is the most brilliant radio quasar." It is the most detailed picture of the world. Such a brilliant galaxy at this distance, "added Momjian

The Big Bang began the universe as a hot soup of extremely energetic particles that were growing rapidly. was cooled and merged into a neutral gas of hydrogen, which left the dark universe without light sources, up to the gravity of the condensed matter in the first stars and galaxies. years after the Big Bang, the energy released by these early galaxies caused the excitation of neutral hydrogen dispersed throughout the universe and the loss of one. electron, or ionization, state in which the gas has remained since 19659003] It is very unusual to find emitted quasars Radio gamers such as this one from the period following the reappearance of the lights of the universe

"The throw of this quasar could serve as an important calibration tool to help projects future.


Header Image – This is the design of an artist of a radio jet that spits fast moving material from the newly discovered quasar. , which formed in the first billion years of the existence of the universe. Credit: Work of Robin Dienel, Courtesy of Carnegie Institution for Science

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