A galaxy that revolves around a hungry, supermbadive black hole that engulfs matter and throws plasma jets has attracted the attention of astronomers at 13 billion light-years away. This quasar spewing plasma emits radio emissions brighter than anything that has been observed in the primitive universe.
The brilliant celestial object could help scientists to unlock the secrets of the very first galaxies in the universe. Astronomers followed the mysterious quasar using the Very Long Baseline Array of the National Science Foundation. They detailed their findings in two articles published Monday in The Astrophysical Journal and The Astrophysical Journal Letters .
![7_10_Quasar 19659004] The design of the artist of the far quasar P352-15, with a disc of material orbiting the black hole and a jet of fast moving particles ejected into space. </span> <span clbad=](http://s.newsweek.com/sites/www.newsweek.com/files/styles/embed-lg/public/2018/07/10/710quasar.jpg)
"There is a shortage of powerful radio transmitters known to the youth of the universe," wrote Dr. Author Eduardo Bañados of the Carnegie Institute. Science said in a statement. This quasar, he added, was brighter than any other object spotted in the primitive universe "by a factor of 10."
This incredible brightness has allowed astronomers to have a good look at the quasar, which is called PSO J352.4034- 15.3373, or P352-15 for short. "It's the most detailed image of a galaxy so brilliant at this distance," added author of the study Emmanuel Momjian of the National Observatory of radio astronomy (NRAO).
Although astronomers are sure that they have spotted a quasar, they do not know exactly what elements they took in their image. Three elements jump out of the shot (below) and scientists think that these correspond to one of two options.
![7_10_Quasar [194590] 19659010] The P352-15 quasar, at a distance of nearly 13 billion light-years from Earth. Three main components of the object are visible, two of them showing an additional substructure. </span> <span clbad=](http://s.newsweek.com/sites/www.newsweek.com/files/styles/embed-lg/public/2018/07/10/710quasar_0.jpg)
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A pan of light could on one side of 39 image could be the heart, with the other two spots revealing a plasma spray of fire. Or, the shiny piece in the middle is the quasar core and the other lights indicate shining streams on either side. Researchers believe that the first option – a unilateral roll – is more likely.
If they spotted a unilateral jet, astronomers can track the object over several years to determine its speed of expansion. If the central object is the core, on the other hand, it could be very young, or wrapped in a gas that stifles the jet's expansion.
Astronomers will have to make more observations before they can say exactly what is happening. Chris Carilli explains that this task is an exciting prospect.
"The brightness of this quasar and its great distance make it a unique tool to study the conditions and processes that prevailed in the first galaxies of the universe". he said. "We are eager to discover more of his mysteries," he added.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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