The real Adam Savage Iron Man costume


Did we need any additional proof that Adam Savage is one of the coolest guys who build things on the planet? Because if you wanted more evidence, he simply helped create an Iron Man costume that flies, throws in hand and everything else.

Savage is best known as the former co-host of MythBustersHe has also worked extensively in Hollywood, helping to create special effects for movies. Now he has his own show, Wild constructionsHe then decided to participate in the creation of a workwear inspired by the cinematographic design of the epic combination of Iron Man armor.

Richard Browning of Gravity Company invented a jet system with several jets that the flyer wears on the arms and back, and Wild constructionsSavage wanted to create an armor that would work with the gravity jet system.

The armor was built using another astute technology, a special titanium 3D printing system from EOS, with the help of the Colorado School of Mines. And in case you're wondering, yes, the suit is also bullet-proof.

If you're pbadionate about science, watch the video in its entirety to see how they built the incredible armor that has more than 280 pieces. You can also go to the 7 minute bar to watch the flight itself.

As Savage himself puts it, "If Tony Stark was not a fiction and was currently doing an Iron Man trial, that's exactly what he would do, and that's the exact technology he would use. . "

Savage also tests flights with the jet system, but it's finally Browning who donned the entire suit to fly, because the trainer was not fit enough, after a session, to fly in the armor.

Wild constructions Airs on Discovery.

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