The report "Technology Trends 2019" affirms the adoption of advanced technologies to generate power transfers in all sectors


A new report from global provider of ICT solutions and services, Dimension Data, said the increasing adoption of breakthrough technologies would result in significant power transfers in all sectors by 2019.

According to the report "Tech Trends 2019", released this week, due to the emergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automating robotic processes , transformation projects often referenced but rarely realized will be a reality.

Ettienne Reinecke, Head of Technology at Dimension Data, said in a statement: "We will see the most innovative companies show truly compelling examples of digital transformation in action in 2019, and many more will come to market in the next few years. next three years ".

In addition, he also said: "They will then be so deeply embedded in the core processes and technologies that we use that we will consider them as commonplaces." 2019 is the year the pioneers stand out from the fast followers and we let's start seeing significant power shifts between industries. "

The report also highlighted several other trends that will be introduced to define this enterprise technology in 2019. He added that the ramping up of automation of robotic processes such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, networks Heuristic neurons and other technologies would provide businesses with the opportunity to combine scenarios, improve understanding and make real-time predictive decisions about the needs and behavior of their clients, as well as the ability to reorganize the business. customer experience during the process.

The research report adds that if companies start to subscribe to multiple cloud platforms and use the software more as a service, more commonly known as SaaS, cloud-based security providers will gain popularity. It is not hard to believe that applications that collect user feedback and make changes to their own features to improve the user experience will soon become a reality.

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