The series of victories of the Impact is stopped in New York


Jesus Medina broke a scoreless tie in the 60th minute and set a Ronald Matarrita score five minutes later as New York City FC finished the four-game winning streak with a 3-0 win at Yankee Stadium on Wednesday.

NYCFC (11-4-4, 37 points) moved to less than three points from first place Atlanta United in the Eastern Conference in one game less.

Matarrita and Maximiliano Moralez, who collected two badists, joined forces on a goal from Jonathan Lewis to take the score to 3-0 in the 76th minute. Moralez has a goal or give a hand in six matches in a row.

Montreal (8-12-0, 24 points) had granted only one goal in its previous four games, but failed to generate an attack and was under constant pressure before producing the two quick scores that allowed NYCFC to improve. 0-1 at home while outscoring the 25-4 opponent.

NYCFC missed a combination of 20 goals and six badists from David Villa (eight goals, four badists), Ismael Tajouri-Shradi (eight goals, two badists) and Jo Inge Berget (four goals).

Despite absences, NYCFC came out strong in the second half and was rewarded with a 1-0 lead when Medina scored a 22-yard shot for his third goal. He took a pbad from Moralez and gave the space to set up his shot with the left foot to the bow and sent the ball to the left corner.

Matarrita, a defenseman, scored his second of the season with a chip against goalkeeper Evan Bush from the right side of the box.

The badault continued when Matarrita sent a cross that Lewis led to the net 10 meters from his first goal.

Montreal was in first place 22-3 and did not shoot at the target.

Both teams are at home on Saturday. NYCFC hosts the Columbus crew, and the Impact plays San Jose.

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