The Shining Resonance Chorus launch trailer shows its RPG goodness


Shining Resonance Chorus, the latest in the long-running Shining series, was released today and, with its official debut, there is also a launch trailer. The traditional JRPG is released on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC, and seems to have all the known features of the genre.

Take on the role of a young boy named Yuma, who has just had a legendary Shining Dragon deep in his body. Yuma is saved by a young woman named Sonia, who happens to be also the princess of Astoria. Yuma and Astoria work together with the Dragoneers, who can actually use special weapons called Armonics. That's your typical JRPG fare, or at least it sounds, and you can see it in action in the video below.

For our reflections on Shining Resonance Chorus, you can read our full review here for Hayes Madsen's thoughts on the Liberation. "There is little that gives the game a unique identity or that distinguishes it from the richness of the JRPG available.Characters with equipment and combat, everything feels functionally good but often uninspired." Shining Resonance Chorus n & # 39; is certainly not a bad JRPG, I just wish that it took more chances or that really separated games that, clearly, inspired him, "said Hayes.

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