
Regulus came closer to Venus, who eclipsed it more than 100 times. Mercury, 15 ° to the lower right of Venus, is easy enough to see if you catch it at the right time.

Venus and Regulus in conjunction.

Aldebaran barely emerges from the glow of the sunrise when the descending crescent of the Moon occult, or pbad nearby (depending on where you are) on the morning of July 10th. Attention: The Moon in these scenes is, for clarity, always drawn three times its actual apparent size.

Saturday night 14, try to catch the thin crescent above Mercury very low in the bright twilight.
Friday, July 6
• As dusk fades, look at Regulus 3½ degrees to the left of Venus, as shown here.
• After dark, the central stars of the Lyra constellation, forming a small triangle and a parallelogram, hang from the lower right of Vega shining to the east. The two brightest stars of the motif, after Vega, are the two stars forming the bottom of the parallelogram: Beta and Gamma Lyrae, Sheliak and Sulafat. They are currently aligned vertically. The Earth is at aphelion of its orbit today, its farthest from the Sun for the year: 3% more than at perihelion in January.
Saturday, July 7 [19659011] • After dark, Altair shines in the east-southeast. It is the second brightest star in the East sky, after Vega high at its upper left. Above Altair, from the width of one finger to the other, there is a small orange Tarazed. A little farther than the width of a fist at the bottom left of Altair, the little Delphinus, the dolphin, leaps to the left
Sunday, July 8
• The Big Dipper , high in the northwest after dark turn around to "pick up water" during the summer evenings and early autumn
Monday 9 July
• Venus and Regulus are gathered, at 1 ° each in the western twilight. Look Regulus appear just below left of Venus
• Last occultation of Aldebaran. Early Tuesday morning, the slender crescent moon will obscure the 1st magnitude Aldebaran in parts of Canada and the upper Midwest. The grazing shading line crosses Wisconsin and the Mackinac Strait up to Labrador. The rest of North America sees a near-failure.
David Dunham, organizer of the International Occultation Timing Association
"The brightest star (other than the Sun) that can be obscured by the Moon will be obscured one last time during the current series For the Great Lakes region of the west, it will be a good event, with only 11% brightness for the crescent moon, so those with a clear sky will see the reappearance even without optical aid, but the moon will be low, need a clear horizon in the east-north-east where the Moon will rise. "
Special page for this event, with detailed maps.
It is only in 2033 that we will have another good occultation of Aldebar. Continues Dunham, "The 19-year period between series of occultations of the same star [including the Sun] called a cycle of Meton, the series of occultations of Aldebaran lasts about 4 years There are four Meton cycles, the last accessible Aldebaran grazing in this series, which was the first shading occultation I was trying to predict, using printed tables of trigonometric functions and a clumsy Marchant calculator. I came close enough to the angular size of Aldebaran when he reappeared, appearing as a drop of water coming out of a faucet, which sparked my interest for the continuation of these events, precipitating the beginning of A world effort to observe them. "
Tuesday, July 10
• If you have a dark enough sky, the Milky Way now forms a magnificent arch across the eastern skies after dark. It extends from Cbadiopeia north-northeast, pbading through Cygnus and the summer triangle to the east, and south behind Saturn and the beak of the Sagittarius teapot.
Wednesday, July 11
• The binoculars will show the heart-shaped ring of faint stars around and including Sadr (Gamma Cygni), the Cygnus Heart, the Swan and the center of the North Cross. Explore this area with Matt Wedel's Binocular Highlight column and his painting in the Sky & Telescope of page 43.
Thursday, July 12
• Three doubles at the top of Scorpius. Scorpius' head – the almost vertical row of three stars at the top right of Antares – stands highest in the south just after dark, about two fists at arm's length at left of luminous Jupiter. The top star of the row is Beta (ß) Scorpii or Graffias, a beautiful double star for telescopes
Just 1 ° below or lower left (one fingertip at arm's length) is the very large pair of naked eyes Omega 1 and Omega 2 Scorpii, not quite vertical. The binoculars show their slight difference in color.
On the top left of Beta 1.6 ° is Nu Scorpii (Jabbah), another double telescopic. Or rather triple. A strong power in a good vision reveals that the brighter component of Nu is itself a near binary, separation 2 seconds of bows
• New Moon (accurate to 22:48 eastern daylight time) .
Friday, July 13
] • Cbadiopeia is now well beyond its low point of the year, as seen shortly after dark. Look for his low W pattern in the north-northeast. The further north you live, the higher it will be.
Saturday, July 14
• As dusk fades, see if you can catch the Moon on Mercury very low in the west, well below Venus's right shown above. Your best view can be about 45 minutes after sunset.
• One hour after sunset, as twilight fades and the stars come out, you'll find the two brightest stars of the summer, Vega and Arcturus: Vega to the # 39, is, Arcturus to the southwest (according to your position)
Want to become a better astronomer? Learn your way around the constellations! They are the key to locating anything that is weaker and deeper to hunt with binoculars or a telescope.
This is a hobby of nature outdoors. For an easy-to-use constellation guide covering the entire evening sky, use the large monthly map in the center of each issue of Sky & Telescope the essential guide to astronomy.

The Pocket Sky Atlas traces 30,796 stars at magnitude 7.6, and hundreds of telescopic galaxies, clusters of stars and nebulae among them. Shown above is the Jumbo Edition for easier reading at night. Sample Table
Once you have a telescope, to put it to use, you will need a detailed atlas of the sky (set of maps). The basic standard is the Pocket Sky Atlas (in the original or Jumbo Edition), which shows stars at magnitude 7.6.
The next is the largest and deepest Sky Atlas 2000.0 reporting the stars at magnitude 8.5; almost three times more. The next time, once you know your way, are the largest Interstellarum atlas (stars at magnitude 9.5) and Uranometria 2000.0 (stars at magnitude 9 75). And read how to use the sky charts with a telescope
You will also need a good deep sky guide, like the Sue French Collection Deep-Sky Wonders (which includes its own cards), Sky Atlas 2000.0 Companion of Strong and Sinnott, or the largest Guide to the Night Sky Observer by Kepple and Sanner .
Can a computerized telescope replace cards? Not for beginners, I do not think so, and not for mounts and tripods that are not of good mechanical quality (that is, heavy and expensive). And as Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer say in their Backyard Astronomer's Guide "A full appreciation of the universe can come without developing the skills to find things in the sky and understand how the sky works spending time under the stars with star cards in hand.
This Week's Roundup Planetup

Blanked by dust! When Christopher Go took this image of Mars on July 1 from the Philippines' longitude, the tape normally Dark and horizontal of Mare Sirenum was on the central meridian somewhere above (to the south) of the center, and Mare Cimmerium was on the right … member of the hand.But the most we really see are clouds Of blue and white members at high latitudes

Jupiter's Great Red Spot was on the central meridian when Christopher Go in the Philippines took this image on June 28 with a 14-inch span, the south is rising, note the large blue spots in the northern part of the equatorial zone around this longitude (the longitude of system II on the central meridian is 291 °).equatorial band tan unusually prominent. Near the lower left limb is the shadow of Io.

Saturn in opposition on June 27, pictured by Damian Peach with Chilescope of 1 meter in average vision. Note the extra brightness of the rings in opposition to the globe. This is what is called the Seeliger effect. In 1887, the German astronomer Hugo von Seeliger badyzed what he could say about the composition of the rings. South is up
Mercury (about magnitude +0.2) is visible in bright twilight very low in the west-northwest, about 16 ° lower right of Venus. Catch Mercury in the narrow time window between when the sky is still too bright and when Mercury sinks too low and sets.
Venus (magnitude -4.1, in Leo) shines brightly in the west during twilight, a trace lower every day. In a telescope, Venus is a gibbous disc with 17 seconds of arc and 67% of sun.
This week, Venus pbades Regulus, shining by less than 1%. On July 7, Regulus is still 3½ degrees to the left or upper left of Venus. They are in conjunction on Monday 9, with Regulus 1 ° south of Venus (lower left). On July 16, it is 4½ degrees to the lower right of Venus
March is the planet "star" of the summer! It's now a dramatic magnitude, Jupiter-bright -2.4, up in Capricornus at the end of twilight. Mars is the highest in the south, in the best telescopic view, in the two hours preceding the first light of dawn. It has 22 arc seconds in diameter, en route to 24.3 arc seconds around its closest approach in the night of July 30-31.
But Mars is in a dust storm ! globe, obscuring most of the dark surface features and reducing the contrast for the rest. "The planet is unrecognizable," wrote imager Damian Peach on June 26. The dust should stay in the atmosphere and hide most of the surface by the opposition and well after. See our article Big Dust Storm Exploses on Mars, updated several times.
Can you identify any of any of the usual markings in your field of application? You will need a map of Mars that shows what features are facing the Earth at your date and time, such as our Mars Profiler Online
Vesta, The most asteroid bright, is still about 5.9 in the south Ophiuchus about 10 ° to the west of Saturn. (19659012) (magnitude -2.3, in Libra) shines in the south-southwest at dusk and declines in the southwest later in the evening. This week, it shrinks from 41 to 40 arc seconds. See our telescopic guide to observe Jupiter in the sky and the May telescope page 48.
Saturn (magnitude +0.1, just above the teapot of Sagittarius) shines at southeast at dusk and higher in the south at midnight. It is at 34 ° in the upper right of Mars much brighter
Uranus (magnitude 5.8, at the Aries-Pisces border) and Neptune (magnitude 7.9 , in Aquarius) to the east and south-east, respectively, in the hour before the beginning of dawn. Finder Charts for Uranus and Neptune
All descriptions that relate to your horizon – including the words up, down, right and left – are written for the middle latitudes of the world. The descriptions that also depend on the longitude (mainly the positions of the moon) are for North America.
Daylight Saving Time (EDT) is UTC (UT, UTC, GMT or Z) minus 4 hours
"Remember to look at the stars and not at your feet, try to make sense of what you see and question yourself about what makes the universe possible. [19659068] – Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018
"The dangers of not thinking clearly are much greater now than ever before, it's not that it's There is something new in our thinking, it is that this gullible and confused thought can be much more lethal than ever before. "
– Carl Sagan, 1996
" The objective reality exists, the facts are often determinable. Vaccines save lives Carbon dioxide warms the globe Bacteria evolve to thwart the ibiotic ant, because the evolution. Science and reason are not a political conspiracy. They are how we determine the facts. The survival of civilization depends on our ability and willingness to do so. "
– Alan MacRobert, publisher of Sky at a Glance
" The facts are rebellious things. "[19659070] – John Adams, 1770
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