The Sonic Racing One-Shot team arriving this fall from IDW


Everyone's favorite anthropomorphic hedgehog is about to make another big appearance in the comic book world this fall, thanks to writer Caleb Goellner, Adam Thomas Bryce Team [19659002] Sonic Team Racing »

" I am so happy to write Sonic ! Said Goellner in a statement. "It's one of my dreams since my dad surprised me with my first comic book in 1945, Sonic so I can not wait for fans to take this number for a Spin Dash It has been an honor to be part of a team working to deliver a number as fun to read as Team Sonic Racing . "

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" I am delighted to be part of IDW's new comic book project," added Thomas. "Illustrating action-packed scenes is my go-to for Sonic so what's better than our rival teams strutting for the position?" SEGA is known for his phenomenal racing titles and I'll do my best to bring comics fans the speed and excitement they expect. "

" There are many things to enjoy with Team Sonic Racing "said Associate Editor David Mariotte. "The game illustrates what's best in the game Sonic – of course, there's action, speed and style, but there's also Team work and Big the Cat. Adam and Caleb do a great job of translating all of this into one of the most beautiful and fun comics we will see all year long. "

Here is the synopsis of IDW for Team Sonic Racing : [19659008] Sonic and his teammates Knuckles and Tails travel to a new planet and enter a race like no other! little help from friends like Amy Rose, Big the Cat and some other familiar faces, Sonic must fight to prevent an old enemy from getting a powerful new technology in this story. writer Caleb Goellner (19459004) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ) and long time Sonic The Hedgehog artist Adam Bryce Thomas

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The Sonic Racing Team arrives this October from IDW Publishing.

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