The Taliban father, Sami ul-Haq, MURDERED in an armed attack with a kife | World | New


Sami ul-Haq was killed by strangers at his home in a posh suburb of Pakistan's capital Islamabad.

According to preliminary reports, he was reportedly shot dead, but relatives say that he was stabbed and stabbed to death before being shot.

His nephew Mohammad Bilal said: "When the attackers entered his house, they started by hitting Mullah Sami ul-Haq with knives and daggers, then killing him.

There were also conflicting reports about why his bodyguard and his driver were apparently not there to defend him at the time of the attack.

Sami ul-Haq led the Darul Uloom Haqqania seminary for decades in Pakistan's Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province near the Afghan border.

Osama bin Laden was reportedly one of his students in the 1980s, before becoming the leader of al-Qaeda. He led a brutal terror campaign against the West that culminated with the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. people have been killed.

Another student, later known as Mullah Mohammad Omar, traveled to Afghanistan with clbadmates to join groups of mujahideen fighting the country's Soviet occupation.

Mullah Omar then founded the Taliban, which took power in Afghanistan in 1996 after years of chaos and civil war following the withdrawal of the Soviet army.

The ultra-conservative Taliban has imposed on Afghanistan an extreme version of the Islamic Sharia, forbidding women to leave their homes without a parent, imposing minimal lengths on the beards of men and banning sports, radio and television. television.

Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said, "The Afghan people will never forget Haq's services to him and his killers are the enemies of Islam."

The Haq seminar continued to flourish in Pakistan, notably through the allocation of funds in provincial government budgets, which is headed by Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party (PTI).

Haq had become one of Khan's allies since the ITP came to power in the province after the 2013 elections.

The Pakistani Ministry of the Interior confirmed Haq's death in a statement and offered his condolences.

An army spokesman condemned "the badbadination" and expressed "his sorrow and condolences" to his family.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets near the northwestern town of Mardan near Haq Seminary.

Haq MP Yousaf Shah said he was seen as a possible middleman in talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban.

Another family member said: "Recently, when the Afghan government sent him a delegation and asked for his help to bring the Afghan Taliban to the negotiating table, he offered to take his madrbada to create a climate of trust. ".

Thousands of people in mourning attended his funeral in Akora Khattack, a Pakistani city.

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