The White House Chief of Staff Must Stay for the Moment


WASHINGTON – White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has quietly quelled rumors that he will leave the administration, becoming an increasingly ally diminished after his debut as strong right arm of President Donald Trump. Senior officials this week, he agreed to stay until 2020 at the request of Trump, announced Tuesday five White House officials. After months of rumors that the chief of staff was about to leave, the message was not only aimed at stabilizing Kelly, but also at stifling speculation about staff turnover and projecting calm then that the president is preparing for re-election. 19659002] The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to speak publicly about private conversations.

For months, Kelly had told loved ones that his goal was simply to move to the year in his post, a milestone that he spent during the weekend. His profile has fallen in recent months, amid rumors that Trump would have cooled down the four-star retired general who had been credited with putting order in the West Wing but who would also have racked up the president in office.

A mercurial leader whose feelings towards key personnel can change quickly.

Tensions between the two men have thawed somewhat in recent weeks. And Kelly began to accept the idea of ​​staying in the post any longer if asked, according to a person familiar with the thought of the chief of staff, but unauthorized to discuss private conversations.

On Monday, the president tweeted a year.

"Congratulations to General John Kelly.Today, we are celebrating his first full year as @ Chief of Staff WhiteHouse!" Trump wrote.

speculation on Kelly's exit hit a big blow a month ago, with Trump weighing openly possible replacements, including Trump's budget director, Mick Mulvaney, and chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, Nick Ayers.

Tired of Kelly's efforts to impose order, Trump has increasingly followed his own advice and has added to his staff more like-minded badistants.

Kelly, for her part, became more and more frustrated. Over the past year, he was furious at what he felt was an unfair press coverage – particularly about his role in the scandal surrounding the former secretary of staff. Rob Porter – while frequently striking the President

. with semi-frequent oval office matches and speculation that Kelly might resign. An interview with Fox News in which Kelly suggested that Trump's thought about his border wall was evolving was an early flashpoint, followed by the fallout from Porter's controversy. The chief of staff sometimes had discrepancies with advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, wondering what the presidential girl and her stepson have done all day, said a White House official [19659010]. Chief of Staff again, Trump was dreaming aloud to confident that he could leave the job open, according to the official. But over the past few weeks, Trump has demonstrated his willingness to keep Kelly in the job, believing that he could simply override the chief of staff at little expense.

Kelly told his allies that he felt bound to serve even though he and the president differ on style and messaging. Although he did not depart from his badertion that the post is "the hardest" that he has ever had, Kelly has shown his willingness to go forward in writing, even with less weight. He has accepted for himself a more circumscribed role, doing his best to make sure that Trump has access to all the information he needs to make decisions.

Kelly acknowledged that his term could end with a single presidential tweet. Public perception has suggested that he believes that he can leave a lasting mark on the post and rehabilitate his reputation, said one of the White House officials.

If Kelly stays in 2019, he will hold the position during an election cycle, which is likely to reduce what is already a weakened role for him. As a leader with no political experience, he will likely be responsible for White House operations while Trump focuses on his re-election campaign.

The Wall Street Journal reports for the first time Kelly's plans to stay. ] In the past, Trump was shy about Kelly's role in the future.

Asked in June about speculation surrounding Kelly's future, Trump said the two were "hearing very well," but he added:, things are coming in but I'll tell you .. we have a very good relationship. This is a wonderful man.

Lemire reports from New York Jill Colvin contributed from Washington.

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