The White House reflects on Putin's proposal to ask questions


The White House on Wednesday refused to accept a Russian proposal to question US-Americans wanted by the Kremlin for "illegal activities," including a former US ambbadador to Moscow [19659002]. Monday's summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and any decision by Washington to help the opponent to prosecute former government employees abroad would be a reversal of the US policy, as far as it could violate the international legal principle of diplomatic immunity "The President will meet his team and we will let you know when we get an announcement about it", said White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders at a press briefing. Sanders added that Trump "said it was an interesting idea … he wants to work with his team and determine if there is any validity that would be helpful to the process."

Putin suggested at the Helsinki summit that he would leave American investigators are present to question 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of Friday having participated in cyberattacks to interfere in the US elections 2016 if the Russians could do the same in America for people related to the fund manager Bill Browder, a punctual investor in Russia. Browder stated that he had helped denounce corruption in Russia

Putin accused Mr. Browder of making contributions to Hillary Clinton, his electoral rival, with the money that he had. He had won in Russia, on which he had not paid taxes. Vladimir Putin said that Vladimir Putin was a global threat and that the summit should never have taken place. the office of the Russian Attorney General enumerated the Americans that he wants to interrogate for "illegal activities", including Michael McFaul, who was US ambbadador to Russia during the Obama administration and is now in the US. Stanford University in California.

"In a joint press conference with Trump in Helsinki, Putin made reference to a treaty with the United States governing the legal badistance that each country can provide to Russia," he added. others in criminal cases that, according to his text, would not necessarily require that Russians be allowed to directly ask questions on American soil and vice versa.

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The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Christopher Wray, rejected the proposal. "I never want to say anything at all, but it's certainly not at the top of our list of investigative techniques," he told the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.

. State Department spokesman Heather Nauert called the Russian allegations "absolutely absurd".

"The Attorney General of Russia knows full well that the United States has rejected Russian allegations in this regard," said Nauert. in Russia Michael McFaul denied the charges of illegal activities of Russia. (David Goldman / Associated Press)

McFaul told Reuters that he had contacted Stanford's lawyers. He denied the accusations of Russia and expressed deep concern that the White House did not defend it.

"It's crazy and should be described as crazy and outrageous, not just by me, but by the US government," McFaul said. the White House, considering the request, "badigned the moral equivalence between a legitimate indictment of Russian intelligence officers … to a phantasm of cacophony [from Moscow] without foundation in reality."

Browder told Fox Business Network that it was "just shocking" for Trump's spokesman to say that they were considering letting Russia interrogate US officials.

David Frum, former editor of President George W. Bush, says that Donald Trump behaves in the same way as Vladimir Putin. . 3:04
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