Theory of Dark Matter on Bose's Dark Stars and Life in the Shadows


NOTHING is important. We are almost sure that it is there. But we do not know what it is. But this nothing could control the destiny of the universe. And there may even be whole solar systems.

Physicists have been fighting dark matter – and black energy – for decades.

This is where many of our laws of physics disappear in a puff of smoke.

We know the gravity. We understand gravity. But there is simply not enough in our galaxy – and in the known universe – to explain why things are where they are.

Something must produce 80% of the gravity at stake. Something we can not see.

This something is remarkably elusive.

It's dark because we do not understand what it is.

Some of the most complex – and costly – experiments in the world have only provided a tantalizing taste of what might be on the market. But even the Large Hadron Collider has not yet isolated a particle that can explain what dark matter is.

There must be mathematical limits in which to register. But little else is known.

So, this remains a domain of speculation. From the theory. Mystery.

A group of Russian physicists recently added another idea to the mix.

They published their arguments in the latest edition of the scientific journal Letters of physical examination.


According to our current understanding, it may be possible for dark matter to agglomerate.

This has implications.

Dark matter does not work like our matter. It does not seem to interact with our subject either. It's almost a universe of intertwined shadows with ours.

But, buried in the gas and dust rings surrounding the galaxies, you could see 'Bose stars' cold and invisible.

"In our work, we simulated the movement of a light quantum gas, dark matter particles in gravitational interaction," says physicist Dmitry Levkov of the Academy's Nuclear Research Institute. of Russian sciences.

They did that, they say, because they wanted to understand how a Bose-Einstein dark matter condensate could form.

The idea is that when the temperature is just above absolute zero, quantum particles lose the energy needed to mix and oscillate. What remains is a uniform "black snow".

Individual quantum particles become uniform. And the clouds of these dark particles can condense – attracted by gravity – into superfluids.

"We started from a virialized state with maximum mixing, which is a bit opposite of the Bose-Einstein condensate," says Levkov.

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"After a very long time, 100,000 times longer than the time required for a particle to cross the simulation volume, the particles spontaneously formed a condensate, which immediately turned into a spherical droplet, a star of Bose, under the effect of gravity. "

Levkov and his colleagues believe that Bose-Einstein condensate can form in the halo centers of dwarf galaxies in a shorter time than the universe.

If this is true, Bose stars could currently exist.

"The next obvious step is to predict the number of Bose stars in the universe and calculate their mbad in models with clear dark matter," says Levkov.

We know where they should be.

The location of unexplained gravity has been mapped in detail.

We know that he likes to cluster around galaxies. It is therefore the obvious place to start a search.

But why?

Russian scientists say that Bose stars could be the source of the mysterious 'fast radios' detected by radio astronomers. Currently, these do not have a known source.

But, according to the theory of black stars, dark matter can interact at an extremely low level with electromagnetic fields and disintegrate in radiophotons.

"This effect is extremely small, but inside the Bose star, it can be amplified resonantly, as in a laser, and can result in giant radio bursts," their statement said.


Among the many postulates about the nature of dark matter, it is possible that it is a complete family of particles – not one. And each dark particle could ultimately play a role in a complete shadow ecosystem.

A dark universe, with its own shady chemistry as diverse as ours.

"It seems very strange to badume that all dark matter is composed of a single type of particle," writes the theoretical physicist Lisa Randall. "An impartial scientist should not badume that dark matter is not as interesting as ordinary matter and that it necessarily lacks a diversity of material similar to ours."

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And that leads to an extreme proposition, an idea that Randall has been playing.

"An invisible civilization could live under your nose," she says.

And if black stars can form, perhaps, the black planets can too.

Life is just a next logical step.

But do not be too excited by the terrifying potential of such beasts, she writes.

"The problem is that the directors of photography would have a hard time filming this dark life, which is obviously invisible to us and to them. Even if the black creatures were there (and maybe they were), we would not know it.

"You do not know how cute life can be, and you certainly will not," says Randall.

But, as with dark matter itself, there is absolutely no proof of its presence.

Just an idea.

And the chances of finding evidence are slim because dark matter is … dark.

"Dark objects or dark life could be very close, but if the net mbad of dark matter is not very large, we would have no way of knowing," Randall writes.

"Even with the latest technology or technology that we can imagine, only some very specialized possibilities could be tested. "Life in the shadows," as exciting as it may be, will not necessarily have visible consequences that we would notice, making it an attractive opportunity, but insensitive to observations. In all fairness, dark life is a big challenge. "

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