Theresa May: Trump told me to "sue the EU" about Brexit


LONDON – Donald Trump advised British Prime Minister Theresa May to "pursue" the European Union in tense negotiations over the British bloc's exit, the US president said Sunday. with May that he had given the British leader a suggestion that she found too "brutal". Asked Sunday on the BBC's Andrew Marr show, May said with an amused expression, "He told me that I should sue the EU, not go into negotiations, sue them."

She added: He said at this press conference: "Do not leave, do not go away from negotiations, then you're stuck."

Trump's first official visit to Britain this week has been overshadowed by explosive and non-diplomatic remarks. In an interview with The Sun newspaper published Thursday – while May was hosting Trump at a lavish black tie dinner – Trump said the British leader's approach had probably "killed" "The odds of A free trade agreement with the US He said that he had told May how to conduct negotiations on Brexit, "but she did not listen to me." [19659002] The comments shocked many in Britain – even opponents in May. The US president later sought to soften the blow, telling reporters at the press conference on Friday that May was an "incredible woman" who did a "fantastic job" as Prime Minister

He did not focus on his eulogistic comments on the British leader, but the Sun published a sound that proved otherwise.

Trump's comments threatened to 39, weaken the already fragile grip May's Conservative government is deeply divided between supporters of a clear break with the EU and those who want to keep close ties with the bloc, the largest trading partner of Great Britain. Brittany

David Davis and Boris Johnson, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. Last week, to protest the May trade plan – and Trump even said that Johnson would make a good prime minister.

Asked to note the relations between the United States and the United Kingdom, Trump gave them the "highest level of special". He added that he was knowing how to handle Brexit in May, although he wants to make sure that the US "can trade and we have no restrictions" on trade with the United Kingdom

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