Think before you click: Experts warn that 'likes' can be loaded with meaning


Experts caution that you should be careful about what you 'like' on social media, because the click of a button could be loaded with meaning.

The semiotics of digital hearts, thumbs-up and emoji have come into the spotlight after several high-profile figures have found themselves in hot water over liking posts.

MP Tony Clement, who has been hired from the Conservative Party, admitted on Thursday to engaging in "negative exchanges" online after allegations that he used social media to connect with young women, message them privately and like their photos.

The director of the Innovation Studio at Ryerson University says that it is a blunt instrument that can impute a complex range of interpersonal meaning.

Ramona Pringle says, can be casual affirmations, units of social currency, flirtatious gestures, subtle slights or public gaffes.

Jaigris Hodson, a professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria, says, "I want to read about their social context, and when there's a power between users," .

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