This Pokemon GO device has a secret upgrade for automatic playback.


Today, Nintendo has unveiled a super secret feature already built into an accessory for Pokemon GO and Pokemon Let 'GO! The Poke Ball Plus is a piece of plastic with lights, a button and a tiny computer in its belly that does everything when you press its button. The secret mode ensures that the user does not have to press the button to get the bonus that would be received otherwise than if said button was pressed.

Users will discover that Pokemon Let GO Pikachu and Pokemon Let GO GO games unlock the magic. The user will need one of the Pokemon Let'Go games, a Nintendo switch and the Poke Ball Plus. If the user transfers a Pokémon from the Nintendo Switch game into his Poke Ball Plus, the magic is unleashed.

Once the Pokemon is inside the Pokeball – or the Poke Ball Plus, whichever method you want to write – the user will get a bonus in Pokemon GO, the mobile game. With connected games, the user will find bonuses that will fly everywhere during the evolution of the games – in the future. But for the moment, the bonus is centered on the Poke Ball Plus.

Once a Pokemon is transferred to the Poke Ball Plus from the Nintendo Switch game, it is no longer necessary to press the button. Before a Pokémon is transferred, the user must press the button once it gets closer to a Pokestop in the real world. These Pokestops contain Pokeballs and Candy, et cetera – and would otherwise be activated by turning with a finger slid on a smartphone. These Pokestops work with the Poke Ball Plus and make the Pokeball vibrate as you approach – pressing the button is like a sweep in the smartphone game.

Essentially, Nintendo has just activated an automatic Pokestop spinner in a Poke Ball Plus accessory. If this sounds familiar to you, it's because hackers created a device called Go-cha for Pokemon GO in early 2017 that did the same thing. That, and the Pokemon GO Plus accessory is almost identical, but not quite!

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