Top 10 emojis that represent Vancouver


Vegetable enthusiasts rejoice

Just in time for World Emoji Day, Apple today released a whole bushel of new emojis, including a lettuce and a mango

That made us think what emojis, new or old, better represent the charming city of Vancouver and its people. And just in case you're wondering, emojis are approved by the Unicode Consortium, which "allows people around the world to use computers in any language. Our freely available specifications and data form the basis of software internationalization in all major operating systems, search engines, applications and the World Wide Web. An essential part of our mission is to educate and engage academic and scientific communities, and the general public.

Got it it? Yeah I thought so If you can suggest other Vancouver emojis that should be added to this list, feel free to scream them in uppercase in the comments section on Facebook.

Here are the 10 most important emojis that we think represent #YVR best


Lettuce ( new): I hope this emoji will make our Vancouver vegans happier than the recent announcement of A & W Canada's new alternative, Beyond Meat Burger.


Shit (old): You will need to check animal / human faecal counts with Vancouver Coastal Health prior to swimming at False Creek or Trout Lake this summer. sanitary, E.coli levels at False Creek are four times higher than the levels jud s safe for swimming.


White Hair (new): It's no longer just baby boomers and seniors who are rocking silver hair. like the Kardashians, women of all ages have embraced color.


Angry (old): The answer to the average of $ 400 to $ 500 costs your hair to be whitewashed in a downtown living room .


Lobster (new): But is it Ocean Wise?


Emoji Breastfeeding (old): "Excuse me ma'am, you can not do this here and instead we would like you and your little baby our dirty toilets, no one is shocked by one of the most natural acts in the world. "

 emoji" src = "! / fileImage / httpImage / image.jpg_gen / derivatives / landscape_490 / emoji.jpg "/> </p>
<p>   <strong> Party Day (New): </strong> Obviously inspired by the entertainment district of Granville Street at 2 am (Perhaps we should also include the "fight," "drunk," "knife" and "vomit" emojis to this category.) </p>
<p>   <img alt=[1 9659002] Dog (Old): For Vancouver , Apple needs to add an emoji that represents the owner of a dog without a leash not picking emoji "shit".


Bald Men and Women (new): Whether your hair loss is natural or as a result of some razor movements, your people can now be proudly represented by text message.


Cyclist (old): Cycling routes, should we say more?

sthomas @

@ sthomas10

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