Trudeau announces a new Canadian-led training mission in Iraq


Teresa Wright, The Canadian Press

Published Wednesday, July 11, 2018 4:26 AM EDT

Last Updated Wednesday, July 11, 2018 09:24 EDT

BRUSSELS – The Canadian Army will command a new NATO training and capacity-building mission in Iraq for its first year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in Brussels Wednesday at the summit Annual Alliance.

which will begin in the fall of 2018 in and around Baghdad, will include the deployment of 250 Canadian Armed Forces members and four Griffon helicopters to support NATO activities

. "It's a time for us to stand together and understand that the perspective we fight for and defend is essential today and tomorrow."

The Iraqi Mission, Combined with the # Tuesday's announcement that Canada's commitment to NATO's mission in Latvia is extended by four more years until 2023, could help Trudeau against the criticism of US President Donald Trump that the alliance members spend more [Traduction] "Supporting the new democracy in Iraq, which has been so bruised, is so fragile, it's a good thing for Canada … it's the a focus of what Canada does best, "said Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland

" We are a country that truly believes that winning the war is only the first step and we must work very hard to win the peace.

As for Trump's request, Freeland Canada has been a co-founder of NATO and has contributed to every mission of the alliance.

"Our presence there (Latvia) is an important and important contribution and this new contribution … it is another sign of the intensification of Canada.

Canadian leadership of this new NATO training mission will complement the current efforts of the global coalition against ISIL

As part of the IMPACT operation, the Canadian army already provides training and badistance to the Iraqi security forces. c

Canada also provides mobile training teams to NATO's capacity-building efforts on counter-improvised explosive devices for Iraq.

Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan said the Iraqi mission was to give Iraqi security forces appropriate training so that they can "manage and prevent" the rise of groups such as the Iraqi security forces. # 39; EIIL. ] #NATOEngages to # NATOSummit2018 . #Breaking
announces that Canada will badume command of a new NATO training mission to Iraq for the first year of the fall of 2018 to the end of the year. Fall 2019. Deployment of 250 Canadian troops from current OP resources.

– Omar Sachedina (@omarsachedina) July 11, 2018

Canada will deploy 250 troops to Baghdad (and its region) in Iraq this fall. They will be there for a year to train Iraqi security personnel to deal with the emergence of groups such as Daesh. #cdnpoli #NATO

– Michel Boyer (@BoyerMichel) July 11, 2018 [19659023] ] (function (d, s, id) {
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