Trudeau is preparing to expand Canada's leadership role in NATO's mission in Latvia


The Liberal government plans to extend its role as NATO leader in Latvia for several years, CBC News has learned.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau "will send a strong message" of solidarity during his bilateral visit to the Baltic state. several sources from Defense, Foreign Affairs and other ministries.

The leadership role of Canada's mission must be imposed by the government in the spring of 2019. It is expected that it will continue for at least three years

The announcement of the extension could serve the Liberals well in the current political climate. ] Trudeau's statement on Canada's "key contribution" will be delivered just before the controversial meeting of NATO leaders to be held in Brussels from July 11 to 12. US President Donald Trump has already shaken things up before the meeting by pre-emptively reprimanding allies who do not meet the Alliance's defense spending targets

The 450 Canadian troops form the core of a grouping tactical multinational in Latvia that includes Albanian soldiers. NATO military planners plan to deploy combat groups in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania – intended to stave off Russian incursions into the region – could last a decade and "

A message of solidarity [19659007] At the same time, Canada has obtained recognition from its partner countries that they are ready to stay, said a confidential source from the Department of Defense

. ] Trudeau will address Canadian troops and soldiers from these other countries during his visit. Latvian Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis should highlight unity in the face of Russian intervention in Eastern Europe, including the war in Ukraine

Canada has often been criticized for failing to reach the goal of two percent of NATO defense spending. The summit of the alliance in Brussels will be the first meeting between the two men since the acrimonious summit of the G7 in Charlevoix. Quebec, last month

At a rally this week in Great Falls, Montana, Trump sent a clear message: "I will tell NATO:" You have to start paying your bills .

Justin Mbadie, professor of political science at the Université du Québec à Montréal, said that the extension of Canada's mission is a move that is likely to be lost for Trump

. Isfy President Trump, not at all, "Mbadie said." President Trump has a very different view of NATO, a very transactional vision of NATO where he looks for money from Allies in exchange for US security. "

Canada spends about 1.29% of its gross domestic product on defense.

Even as part of the Liberal government's new defense strategy, which predicts a 70% increase in benefits over the next few years, this ratio is expected to reach only 1.4% of GDP. [19659002] The previous Conservative government and the current Liberal government both insisted that the presence of troops and equipment is just as important as spending.

The Department of Defense has recently stated that Canada has no choice but to be in Latvia. which costs taxpayers 134 million llars a year

Trump remains the joker

The result of the release next year would be "close the doors, let down the old and new friends, waste man and political capital, as well as the politico-military credibility that Canada's commitment to [enhanced forward presence] generated, "said the report of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute

. One of the authors, Joel Sokolsky, said that "This would reinforce the perception, which is not entirely correct, that Canada is (a) lagging behind," said Sokolsky, a professor at Center for International and Defense Policy. He said that a decision to bail out a leadership role would hurt not only the alliance, but also Canada-US relations, relationships that are already severely stressed due to the impending trade war and from the imposition of tariffs by the Trump administration

The report warns however that the calculation could change – depending on how Trump manages the NATO summit.

Defense experts spoke of the US perspective However, Trump could make decisions that would force Canada to re-evaluate its position.

"For Canada and Europe, the most disturbing possibility is US Disengagement – a specter raised by President Trump's behavior at the Singapore Summit with North Korea, where he offered to sacrifice US-Korean military exercises while bending down US forces, "the report said, along the NATO-Russia border, Canada should consider committing to the United States again. sides of the European allies to show his faith in NATO, but without the presence of support from America.This, in itself, would raise questions about the very future of NATO. "

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