WASHINGTON-The Trump administration said Saturday it's freezing payments under an "Obamacare" program that protects insurers with sicker patients from financial losses, a move expected to add to the
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in the United States. 19659002] The so-called "risk adjustment" program takes care of health insurers and redistributes that money to companies with sicker enrollees. Payments for 2017 are $ 10.4 billion. No taxpayer subsidies are involved.
The idea behind the program is to remove the financial incentive for "cherry pick" healthier customers. The government uses a similar approach to Medicare private insurance plans and the Medicare prescription drug benefit.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, whose membership of the Affordable Care Act said it was "extremely disappointed" with the administration's action.
The trump administration's move "would be significantly increased 2019 premiums for millions of individuals and small business owners and could result in a lower health plan choices," badociation president Scott Serota said in a statement. "It will undermine Americans' access to affordable coverage, especially those who need medical care the most."
Serota noted that the payments are required by law, and said he believes the administration short boxes. He warned of "turmoil" as insurers finalize their rates for 2019.
America's Health Insurance Plans, said in a statement that it is "very discouraged" by the Trump administration's decision to freeze payments.
"Costs for taxpayers will rise to the federal government" (19659002) Rumors that the Trump administration would have been circulating late last week.
Medicare and Medicaid Administrator by Seema Verma said the trump The United States of America: A Brief History of the United States of America (1965) The Administration of the United States of America Adverse impacts on Americans who receive their insurance in the individual and small group markets, "she said.
More than 10 million people currently buying individual health insurance plans through HealthCare.gov and state insurance marketplaces. The vast majority of those taxpayers would be taxpayer-subsidized under the tax system and would be shielded from the tax rate.
based subsidies. Many of those are self-employed people and small business owners, generally seen as a Republican constitution.
The latest "Obamacare" flare-up does not affect most people with employment coverage.
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