Trump announces his big yard "to reveal" in prime time


Catherine Lucey and Mark Sherman, Associated Press

. Posted Monday 9th July 2018 01:35 EDT

Last Updated Monday 9 July 2018 17:53 EDT
Washington – After days of rampant lobbying and speculation, US President Donald Trump has decided Monday to nominate his second Supreme Court nominee, putting up a fierce confirmation battle with Democrats while he seeks to the usual fanfare, Trump intended to unveil his choice to replace outgoing judge Anthony Kennedy of the White House on prime time television. His latest options were all young federal judges who could help re-court for decades to come with shattering decisions on issues like abortion, guns and health care.

Savoring the guessing game about his choice. But he made his final decision, according to a person who knew the president's thinking and who was not allowed to speak publicly.

Before his announcement, Trump tweeted about the stakes: "I've long heard that the most important decision an American president can make is the selection of a Supreme Court judge – will be announced tonight at 9:00 pm

the leading candidates included federal appeals judges Brett Kavanaugh, Raymond Kethledge, Amy Barrett Coney and Thomas Hardiman. Momentum seemed to be with Kavanaugh and Hardiman, although the process remained fluid. The White House has prepared information documents on the four.

While the Democrats are determined to vigorously oppose Trump's choice, the Senate's confirmation battle should dominate the months leading up to the November mid-term elections. Senate Republicans only hold a majority of 51-49, leaving them little margin if Democrats hold the line. Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana said he was preparing for a tough battle of confirmation as Democrats focus on abortion. Kennedy, a member of the Judiciary Committee, who will have the first chance to question the candidate, predicted a "tough, tough fight in the ground, tugging at the ear, biting the nose."

Trump's Success in Conservative Confirmation Judges, as well as the Supreme Court Justice, have acclaimed Republicans amid concerns over its limited political achievements and chaotic management style. Among the court's Liberal judges, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 years old and Stephen Breyer will be 80 next month, so Trump may have another chance to consolidate the Conservative dominance of the court for years to come.

more conservative than Judge Kennedy on a series of social issues. At the top of this list is abortion. A more conservative majority might be more willing to maintain state restrictions on abortion, if not overturn the historic Roe v. Wade of 45 years who established the constitutional right of a woman.

Kennedy's replacement might also be more willing to carry out executions and help overturn previous court decisions in the areas of racial discrimination in housing and the workplace. Kennedy provided a decisive vote in 2015 on a major fair housing deal.

While the president pondered his choice, his badistants were preparing for what should be a hard fight of confirmation. The White House said Monday that former Arizona senator Jon Kyl would guide Trump's candidate through the grueling Senate process.

Kyl, a former Republican executive, sat on the Senate Judiciary Committee before retiring in 2013. He works for Washington. lobbying firm based on Covington & Burling. The White House hopes that Kyl's close ties with Senate Republicans will help ease the path of confirmation.

Trump hopes to replicate his successful nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch last year. The President spent the days leading up to his announcement discussing the pros and cons of various suitors with aides and allies. In recent days he has expressed a renewed interest in Hardiman, the vice-champion when Gorsuch appointed by Trump, said two people with knowledge of his thinking.

The White House invited a number of senators to attend the Monday night announcement, including Judicial Committee Chair Chuck Grbadley, R-Iowa, and the Kennedy Committee member. Joe Donnelly, of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp, ​​North Dakota, and Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, were invited but refused. All three are Republican targets for the confirmation vote: They all supported Gorsuch and come from the Trump-won states where they face re-election this fall.

The candidate should meet in the coming days with senators at their offices. The Democrats turned to two Republicans, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, to oppose any candidate who threatens Roe. v. Wade. Both supported access to abortion services.

A Democrat candidate for reelection, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, announced Monday that he would oppose any candidate from the list of 25 possible Trump candidates drafted by conservative groups. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said opponents were using "40-year-old fear tactics" about abortion and other problems, but they "will not stop us". to do the right thing. "

Hardiman has a personal connection with the President, having served with Trump's sister at the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia.He went to the University of Notre Dame as the first No one from his family went to university, he helped finance his law degree at Georgetown University Law Center by driving a taxi.

Some Conservatives have expressed concerns about Kavanaugh – a long-time judge and a former Kennedy employee – questioning his commitment to social issues like abortion – his time spent under President George W. Bush as proof that he is a choice of more institution. his supporters cite his experience and his wide range of legal opinions.

Barrett – longtime professor of law school Notre Dame became a federal appeals judge last fall – excited the social conservatives with his t testimony when & # 39; she was questioned about his Roman Catholic faith. his nomination auditions last year. But his little time on the bench raised questions about his experience.


Associated Press writer Lisa Mascaro contributed to this report.

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