Trump changes tune on Ted Cruz and reinforces the rhetoric of immigration at a rally in Texas – National


US President Donald Trump stepped up his speeches on immigration at a mid-point rally in Texas on Monday, accusing the Democrats of "encouraging" millions of foreigners in a state of affairs. to violate our laws, to violate our borders and to overwhelm our country. "

Donald Trump says the United States will slash aid from Central America on migrant caravans

Just weeks away from election day, Trump is seeking to increase Republicans' turnout with its radical immigration policy. Prior to Republican Senator Ted Cruz's rally in Houston, he laid the groundwork for the November election, saying the Democrats "have launched an attack on the sovereignty of our country."

Trump spoke in front of a large crowd on behalf of his former enemy, who faces a daunting challenge from Democratic representative Beto O'Rourke. When the two men took part in the 2016 Republican Presidential Election, Trump often mocked his rival, "Lyin 'Ted," but said in Texas that their relationship had come a long way.

"No one has helped me more with your tax cuts, with your regulation," said Trump, also attacking O'Rourke, calling it "false stone."

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As the mid-term approached, Trump focused on immigration, targeting a caravan of migrants heading toward the southern border of the United States. The president's attention to immigration policy comes as he tries to counter the Democratic enthusiasm in November. Trump believes that his campaign promises, including his much-vaunted – and still unfulfilled – promises to quickly build a border wall between the United States and Mexico, are still screaming.

Trump is betting that his latest goal will further reduce the enthusiasm that began to dwindle during the debate on Brett Kavanaugh, Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court. But this approach offers both risks and benefits.

Uncompromising rhetoric could be popular among the Red Republican rural Republicans who will play a disproportionate role in the highest competitions in the Senate. But it could also further alienate moderate Republicans and women from the vast majority of suburbs who will decide the majority of the House, including many in Texas, California and Florida, which have large Hispanic populations.

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On Monday night, Trump called the caravan "an badault on our country" and suggested, without giving any evidence, that "the Democrats had something to do with it". He added, "We need a wall built quickly."

Earlier Monday, Trump had announced that the United States would begin to "cut, or substantially reduce" their aid to three countries in Central America because of the caravan.

In Texas, an enthusiastic crowd rushes into the Houston Toyota Center, wearing a red Make America Great Again hat and waving placards, some with the president's new slogan, "Jobs vs. Mobs."

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Speaking before Trump came on the scene, Cruz made it clear that their conflict was behind them and that the two were working together. His biggest applause came when he predicted that "by 2020, Donald Trump will be reelected to an overwhelming majority."

A series of elected state officials were among the speakers, as well as Trump's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, and her son, Eric Trump, who told the audience that "we are making the Democrats absolutely crazy."

Trump has happily used his latest line of attack against Democrats: "Democrats produce crowds, Republicans create jobs". He said the Democrats would be a "big risk to the American family". Chief Nancy Pelosi, California Representative Maxine Waters, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and Mbadachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

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The president has focused on tax cuts, the strength of the economy and the hurricane response in the state. He reiterated his promise of a further reduction of about 10% in the average income tax, although he provided little detail on this plan. Trump said they would "put that" next week, even though Congress is not in session.

The Trump Texas stop is part of a campaign campaign that is expected to last until Election Day.

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Although political relations tend to be fluid, Trump's appearance for Cruz is remarkable, given that both were fierce enemies during the 2016 primaries. After Trump insulted Cruz's wife and father and Cruz refused to approve Trump at the Republican convention, it was far from clear that the two would leave everything behind.

But they began to rebuild in the last days of the campaign and have been working together since Trump took the White House.

The White House considers Cruz a faithful vote on its agenda. Trump promised that he would come to Texas after the Senate race unfolded closer than expected, with O'Rourke raising money for Cruz and attracting a large and enthusiastic crowd around the state. Cruz, who runs O'Rourke in the polls, said this summer that he would appreciate Trump's support, although he escaped any suggestion that he would need Trump's victory.

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During the 2016 Republican primary, Trump accused Cruz of being a liar and "dishonest politician", insulting the appearance of his wife and arguing unsubstantiated claims that Cruz's father had ties to him. Assbadin of President John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald.

Trump Monday did not hesitate to tell Cruz that he was the son of a killer in the presidency, telling reporters: "I do not regret anything."

Cruz made it as good as in 2016. He called Trump a "pathological liar", "amoral tyrant" and "cowardly coward". After Cruz lost the primary, he gave a speech at the Republican National Convention in which he did not approve Trump and instead called the Republicans to "vote your conscience", pulling the boos out of the crowd. But he announced his support about a month before polling day – and earned points in Trump's camp for not retiring after the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape in which Trump boasted of fumbling women.

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